Computer Pic

Nate Heinzelman


These are some games I programmed on Khan Academy several years ago.

The goal of Othello is to have the most pieces at the end. If when you put down a piece there is a piece of the other color between your piece that you put down and another piece of your color, then those colors in between get flipped. You must turn a piece every turn. The game will not allow you to place one of your pieces somewhere that is not a valid move. If you have no valid moves, click the screen and it will change to the other person's color/move. The dots in the four corners show if it is black or white's turn.


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.

Before you can play this game, you must click inside the colored box.


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.


Wendi Heinzelman - Mom's webpage
Lawrence Rabiner
Grandfather's webpage