
  • 04/21/24 - The final project report should be submitted via Gradescope. The submission deadline is 10 pm ET, Friday May 10, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • 04/21/24 - Given the large number of projects being conducted, this year there will be no in-class presentations. Instead, we ask that you record and upload here a 15 minute video of your presentation. The submission deadline is Wednesday May 8, 2024.
  • 04/19/24 - Laboratories 4 and 5 are posted here. These are optional laboratories (not for credit, no need to upload solutions) so that you can experiment with the topology inference algorithms and GNN models studied in class.
  • 04/01/24 - Laboratory 3 is posted here. It is due Wednesday April 17, via Gradescope.
  • 03/27/24 - There will be no class on Monday 04/08 because of the total solar eclipse.
  • 03/20/24 - As discussed in class, this Friday 03/22 the make-up lecture will be extended (double). So we will meet at 3:25 pm in CSB 601, take a 5-minute break at 4:40 pm, and then go on until 6 pm.
  • 03/02/24 - There will be no class on Wednesday 03/06 since I am traveling to UdelaR. We will thus have a make-up lecture after Spring Break, on Friday 03/22, 3:25 pm - 4:40 pm in CSB 601.
  • 03/02/24 - Laboratory 2 is posted here. It is due Friday March 22, via Gradescope.
  • 02/29/24 - Submission of the project proposal reports is now open via Gradescope. The deadline is Friday March 8. For guidelines on the contents of the proposal, please check the project page here.
  • 01/12/24 - There will be no class on the week of 2/26 since I am traveling to UniNorte for a US National Academies Symposium. We will thus have a make-up lecture this Friday 1/16, 3:25 pm - 4:40 pm in CSB 601. Another lecture will be scheduled at a later date.
  • 01/29/24 - Laboratory 1 is posted here. It is due Wednesday February 7, via Gradescope.
  • 01/16/24 - The syllabus is posted here. The tentative class schedule has been updated as well.
  • 01/14/24 - Class page created, currently updating from Spring'23 course.