2023 News Archive
"Limitations of url and Directional Filters in Elastography"
December 30, 2023
A manuscript authored by Professor Kevin Parker titled "Limitations of curl and directional filters in elastography" has been published in Acoustics. The abstract follows; more information can be found here.
Continue Reading"Enhancing Breast Ultrasound Segmentation through Fine-tuning and Optimization Techniques: Sharp Attention UNet"
December 13, 2023
A paper co-authored by PhD student Donya Khaledyan, Professor Kevin Parker, and colleagues in the Department of Imaging Sciences titled "Enhancing Breast Ultrasound Segmentation through Fine-tuning and Optimization Techniques: Sharp Attention UNet" has been published in PLoS One. The abstract follows; more information can be found here.
Continue Reading"Multiparametric Ultrasound Imaging for Early-stage Steatosis: Comparison with Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Proton Density Fat Fraction"
July 28, 2023
A paper co-authored by former PhD student Jihye Baek, Professor Kevin Parker, and colleagues in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas titled "Multiparametric ultrasound imaging for early-stage steatosis: comparison with magnetic resonance Imaging-based proton density fat fraction" has been published in Medical Physics. The abstract follows; more information can be found here.
Continue ReadingU.S. Patent Issued
June 20, 2023
Congratulations to Professor Parker, former PhD student, Dr. Fernando Zvietcovich, and colleagues Professor Jannick Rolland (UR Institute of Optics) and Dr. Cristina Canavesi (LighTopTech Corp.), whose patent titled "Gabor Domain Optical Coherence Elastography" was issued on June 20, 2023 (assigned patent number 11,678,801). Please see here more information.
Continue ReadingBetter Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Machine-Learning Ultrasound
April 19, 2023
A research project launched by Professor Parker, former PhD student Jihye Baek, and Dr. Avice O'Connell (Imaging Sciences) was highlighted in the UR News Center. The research applied ultrasound with machine learning to previously detected breast masses. The end result: nearly 98 percent accuracy in predicting breast cancer in these masses. The journal article in Machine Learning: Science and Technology, published in November 2022 reached 500 downloads by February. Read more about this exciting research here.
Continue ReadingGary Ge Successfully Defends PhD Thesis
April 17, 2023
Congratulations to Gary Ge who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Reverberant Elastography and Speckle Analysis for Brain Characterization.” Gary's public defense took place on Monday, April 17, 2023, immediately followed by a closed-door defense session. Gary has been supervised by Professor Kevin Parker and Professor Jannick Rolland (Institute of Optics). His PhD committee was chaired by Dr. Kerry O’Banion (Neuroscience) and included Dr. Maiken Nedergaard (Center for Translational Neuromedicine). Gary is a student in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD) here at the University of Rochester; he will now move on to complete his MD requirements. Kudos to Gary on pariticipating in this rigorous program, coupling a PhD in Optics with an MD degree, and many thanks for his hard work and significant contributions to Professor Parker's Medical Imaging Research Group!
"Fluid Compartments Influence Elastography of the Aging Mouse Brain"
April 17, 2023
A paper co-authored by MD/PhD student Gary Ge, Professor Kevin Parker, Professor Jannick Rolland (Institute of Optics), and Drs. Wei Song and Maikan Nedergaard (Center for Translational Neuromedicine) titled "Fluid compartments influence elastography of the aging mouse brain" has been published in Physics in Medicine and Biology. The abstract follows; more information can be found here.
Continue ReadingSedigheh Sheykholeslami Poul Successfully Defends PhD Thesis
April 4, 2023
Congratulations to Sedigheh (Sedy) Sheykholeslami Poul who successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Characterizations of Viscoelastic Liver Tissue Based on Shear Wave Elastography and Ultrasound Wave Speckle Statistics.” Sedy's public defense took place on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, immediately followed by a closed-door defense session. Sedy has been supervised by Professor Kevin Parker. Her PhD committee was chaired by Professor Diane Dalecki (Biomedical Imaging), and included Professors John Lambropoulos and Douglas Kelley (Mechanical Engineering), and Professor Mark Buckley (Biomedical Engineering). Sedy has accepted a position as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan. She will be working in the Ultrasound Lab of Dr. Oliver Kripfgans. Again, congratulations to Sedy and many thanks for her hard work and significant contributions to Professor Parker's Medical Imaging Research Group!
"The Expanding Frontier of Optical Elastography and Diagnostic Biomechanics"
March 15, 2023
The conference paper expanding the keynote address delivered by Professor Kevin Parker at SPIE Photonics West BiOS was published in the Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics section of the conference proceedings. The article is titled "The expanding frontier of optical elastography and diagnostic biomechanics" and is co-authored by MD/PhD student Gary Ge, Professor Jannick Rolland (Institute of Optics), and Dr. Maiken Nedergaard (Center for Translational Neuromedicine). The abstract follows and more information can be found here.
Continue Reading"Reverberant Magnetic Resonance Elastographic Imaging Using a Single Mechanical Driver"
February 27, 2023
Congratulations to Professor Parker on the publication of the journal article titled "Reverberant magnetic resonance elastographic imaging using a single mechanical driver." This paper documents results of research with UR ECE collaborators Professor Marvin Doyley, PhD candidate Enan Kabir, and Dr. Juvenal Ormachea (currently with Verasonics, Inc.), and University of Delaware collaborators Dr. Curtis Johnson and PhD candidate Diego Caban-Rivera.
Continue ReadingRecently Published Paper Hits 500 Downloads
February 17, 2023
Congratulations to authors Jihye Baek, Professor Kevin Parker, and Dr. Avice O'Connell on the recognition of the 500th download of their paper titled "Improving breast cancer diagnosis by incorporating raw ultrasound parameters into machine learning." This milestone was recognized on Twitter by the journal Machine Learning: Science and Technology. Please see here to learn more information on this paper.
Parker Gives Keynote Address at SPIE BiOS 2023
January 28, 2023
Professor Kevin Parker was invited to give the keynote address for the Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics section of SPIE Photonics West BiOS, which took place in San Francisco, CA from January 28 - February 2, 2023. Photonics West BiOS is the world's largest research symposium and trade exhibition in biomedical optics and biophotonics, attended by some 23,000 delegates in total. Professor Parker's presentation and conference paper were titled "The expanding frontier of optical elastography and diagnostic biomechanics". More information can be found here.
U.S. Patent Issued
January 24, 2023
Congratulations to Professor Parker and former PhD students Dr. Juvenal Ormachea and Dr. Fernando Zvietcovich, whose patent titled "2D Shear Wave Dispersion Imaging Using a Reverberant Shear Wave Field" was issued on January 24, 2023 (assigned patent number 11,562,483). Please see here more information.
Continue ReadingJihye Baek Successfully Defends PhD Thesis
January 13, 2023
Congratulations to Jihye Baek who successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Tissue Classification and Disease-Specific Imaging Based on Machine Learning.” Jihye's public defense took place on Friday, January 13, 2023, immediately followed by a closed-door defense session. Jihye has been supervised by Professor Kevin Parker. Her PhD committee was chaired by Dr. Jianhui Zhong (Imaging Sciences), and included Professor Gonzalo Mateos (Electrical & Computer Engineering) and Dr. Deborah Rubens (Imaging Sciences). Again, congratulations to Jihye and many thanks for her hard work and significant contributions to Professor Parker's Medical Imaging Research Group!