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Single crystal Cu NP structure and Coreshell (Cu/Ni) NP structure.
Graphic image depicting structure of materials.
Graphic image depicting structure of materials.


Graphic image depicting structure of materials.
Graphic image depicting structure of materials.

About Us

At the Advanced Computational Mechanics and Materials Laboratory (ACMML), we harness the power of interdisciplinary research to advance the understanding of material behavior under diverse conditions. Our work integrates expertise in physics, solid mechanics, materials science, data science, computational multiscale modeling, and experimental techniques. Through this synergistic approach, we strive to uncover the underlying physics of material deformation and develop robust mathematical models to predict the mechanical and physical properties of materials.

  • Multiscale modeling and simulation of materials under extreme conditions
  • Mechanics of nanoporous materials
  • Machine learning for materials design and characterization

Learn More

For more information about the Advanced Computational Mechanics and
Materials Laboratory contact Niaz Abdolrahim, principal investigator.