Team Members
Yunke Ren (Claudia)
Samuel Mlawer
Seong Jae Park (Jacob)
Yue Chen (Helen)
Professor Anne E. Luebke, Samuel Charpentier (TA)
Doctor Glenn T. Schneider
Our project is to design a device that can quantitatively measure the securement of a tracheostomy, therefore, prevent postoperative complications and provide hospital staff with more information for further research. Because of the COVID-19 situation, we have changed our project from designing an actual prototype to focusing more on theoretical mechanisms so that it will be able to be manufactured in the future.
Background Information

Designing Process

Future Direction

We thank Dr. Anne Luebke and TA Samuel Charpentier for passionately supporting us and giving direct feedback on the weekly team meetings. We also want to thank Dr. Todd Schneider for allowing us to do rounds on tracheostomy patients in the hospital and helping us to understand how patients feel about tracheostomy securement, therefore, set a direction on a way to minimize pain for the patients. Lastly, we appreciate Dr. Scott Seidman and Dr. Amy Lerner for advising us with design alternates, for example, to change hinge and a spring to a clip, when we had difficulty with manufacturability issues.