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Abscess Model for Photodynamic Therapy

Team PhotoAbscession

Feiyang (Andy) Deng
Jake Gilman
Jenna Montague
Regina Yu


Dr. Timothy Baran (URMC: Imaging Sciences)

The Problem

Antibiotic resistance is a rising problem, especially when treating intra-abdominal abscesses with surgical drains. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising, minimally invasive abscess treatment that reduces the need for re-draining; and therefore, provides a more comfortable, cost-effective and efficient treatment plan. Our customer is in need of an optically and physically accurate abscess model to inform his continued clinical research using PDT for the purposes of abscess treatment.

The Solution

Team PhotoAbscession has used real abscess CT scans to deliver a procedure for constructing a three-dimensional, biocompatible abscess model that mimics the relevant biological, optical, and physical properties of real abscesses. As a result, our design has the capability to test PDT dosage for abscesses of different geometries by measuring light scattering and cell death. The procedure for making the models includes conversion of a CT scan to a 3D printed mold, silicone molding to form the resin outer layer of the model, conducting cell culture in the model, and finally, testing the efficacy of PDT on the selected abscess geometry.

Our rendering of the abscess model design for a simple, spherical abscess


We would like to thank our professors, Dr. Amy Lerner and Dr. Scott Seidman, our customer, Dr. Timothy Baran, our supervisor, Dr. Michael Giacomelli, and our TA Liaison Kale Friesen. This team has been successful thanks to your guidance!