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Posts categorized 3. Programs Archive

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CMTI Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Optigraft Skin Graft Mesher

Skin grafts are commonly used for wound closure and are cut with a mesh pattern to expand their coverage area. They are thin, delicate, painful to harvest, and easily damaged during traditional meshing. We observed need for a method to mesh skin grafts that is less prone to failure. Optigraft addresses this problem with technology that not only executes precise cuts without damage, but also measures the wound sites to allow for planning of optimal graft size and expansion ratio.

AME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Digital Effects Pedal with Wireless Controller

We created a digital audio effects pedal using a Raspberry Pi; the pedal can accept XLR and 1/4 inch input so it is ideal for horn players and guitarists alike. The effects can be controlled by the knobs and buttons on the pedal as well as by the knobs and buttons on a separate Bluetooth controller, which was coded on an Arduino.

4. Keywords Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Pure LUV

Identify inexpensive process for in-house purification of motion picture film dye for Kodak.

Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Virtual Reality Data Glove

Our project is a “Data Glove” worn by a user and composed of several types of sensors for mapping human hand motion. A virtual environment is used to show the glove’s capabilities in capturing natural motion, with its primary purpose being for virtual reality applications. We use the Unity game engine to create our simulation and feed data from our glove to a simulated robotic hand. Ideally, this is completed in real time and can capture movements live.

Manufacturing Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Drive By Wire

The project goal was to create methods to control the brakes, steering angle, and accelerator position of a Baja SAE off-road vehicle in a manner that allows the remote driving of the car. The team has created detailed models, simulations, and system documentation to ensure a strong foundation for the continuation of the project in the coming year. This project hopes to create new opportunities for future undergraduates to work on problems related to autonomous vehicles.

CMTI Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Carotid Artery Access

Brief Description: vasSecure aims to decrease carotid artery dissection rates during Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) procedures by improving access and stability. The device allows surgeons to properly tension the artery while distributing the applied force, allowing surgeons to perform the minimally-invasive procedure effectively and reduce the risk of trauma to the artery.

BME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm


BrainFreeze is creating a brain temperature probe noninvasive to cerebral parenchymal tissue. The purpose of this probe is to monitor selective hypothermia during stroke intervention procedures in the operating room.

BME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Laryngoscope Solutions

Lip damage can occur during the intubation procedure with a laryngoscope. One way to mitigate this would be to create a training tool that will improve the users’ awareness of the lips during intubation. Therefore, we will design a system to alert the user of impending and imminent upper lip damage that can be used with the Macintosh laryngoscope blade.

BME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Bladder Phantom

Our team is working to design and develop a functional bladder phantom that sits in a model of the human torso. This model is to be used in the validation and testing efforts of our customer, Curbell Medical’s, bladder bioimpedance sensor device. The model must be anatomically comparable to that of the average human in terms of both structure and function.

ME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Simulated EKG for Nursing Students

This design attempts to mimic a real EKG machine. Nursing students at Nazareth College do not have access to an EKG machine but are expected to be familiar with its applications after graduation. Medical grade EKG machines are costly. A simulated EKG machine will provide firsthand experience to nursing students, but at a much lower cost. By creating different models and testing them, the team was able to create a successful design.

Energy and Environmental Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

The Human Powered Vehicle Challenge

The Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC) is a competition that is part of the annual American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s (ASME) E-fest. This competition requires that teams from various universities design a vehicle for safe, reliable, and efficient human powered transportation. The teams come together and race their vehicles in an endurance race and a drag race, as well as present their design to the HPVC judges.

CMTI Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Meramec Suction-Elevator

For spinal surgeons who face difficulty visualizing the nerve root during spinal decompressions, the Meramec suction/elevator is a surgical instrument that combines multiple instrument functions to free surgeons’ hands and increase OR efficiency. It combines the functionality and familiarity of existing suction tips and manual elevators with end effector geometry specific to the lumbar nerve roots, reducing the need to switch instruments. This improves OR workflow and increases patient safety.

Accessibility Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm


We are tasked by Rochester Rehab to create a device that increases the efficiency of packaging an underwater camera into a foil bag, primarily by reducing friction on the camera. By doing so, more cameras will be packaged per hour and the wage of the workers who are employed in the process will increase.

BME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Tracheostomy Securement

Our project is to design a device that can quantitatively measure the securement of a tracheostomy, therefore, prevent postoperative complications and provide hospital staff with more information for further research. Because of the COVID-19 situation, we have changed our project from designing an actual prototype to focusing more on theoretical mechanisms so that it will be able to be manufactured in the future.

BME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Ultrasound Probe Stabilizer

Undesired motion of the Sonavex, Inc. EchoSure probe is often imparted during the vascular ultrasound imaging process, leading to undesired artifacts within the collected scans that can render the data unusable.We have developed a device to stabilize the ultrasound probe; in doing so, it will be possible to help minimize additional movement and obtain better-quality images of AV fistulas without as many motion disturbances.

Energy and Environmental Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Thermal Energy Storage -MicroEra Capstone Project

MicroEra is a heat energy storage company that has had reduced efficiency in their storage tanks due to phase separation of phase change materials. Our project aims to improve the efficiency by adding a mixing system to the heat storage units.

4. Keywords Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

URMC-CTSI Networking Rhythm Badge Analysis

In this project, we want to apply DSC and machine learning techniques to identify and analyze group communication and interaction patterns from the data collected, e.g. “Who interacts with whom” and “Who attended which breakout sessions”, which can function as an indicator of team performance, group intelligence and meeting efficiency. We can further use the information to increase the productivity of Un-meetings by modifying related elements.

ME Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Shoe Testing Device

Shoes wear differently with time, environment, and use. Shoe owners want to know how long their shoes are going to last. Shoe manufacturers need to have machines that can test footwear in an accelerated manner to simulate how shoes wear in order to produce an optimized product. The shoe testing team is tasked with creating such a device that is capable of producing wear on a shoe.

4. Keywords Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

Pianosaic: AR musical experience

Pianosaic is an augmented reality experience in which players get to create musical environments with a larger than life piano. Players are immersed in accurately spatialized audio. Players are able to use the keys of the piano around to create an individualize experience. Players are able to create a full production utilizing accompanying instruments in the game.

DSC Archive
April 22, 2020 | 10:32 pm

DSC Capstone: Wegmans

Wegmans grocery stores experience changes in consumer demand due to weather-related events which may result in item shortages. Our goal was to generate a list of items that are expected to have a huge increase in sales which would allow Wegmans to prepare beforehand. We correlated the change in consumer demand over time with weather warning data and detected anomalous behaviors in item sales.