Team Members
- Shuohong Liu
- Yichen Zhu
We built a helmet that can guide visually impaired people to walk freely and have a vague image of their surroundings using stereo sound. Our objective is to build a system that can work offline on raspberry pie and use stereo sound feedback systems to guide visually impaired people to walk in an indoor environment.
Progress Report 4
Updates on Our Progress
- We designed how the components should be placed on the helmet and assembled them together.
- We implemented a two-process program for running the main program and the stereo sound program separately.
- Previously we wanted to use a single python program with two simultaneous processes (Video processing & sound).
- Through testing we discovered that the two threads could not run together because they require different methods of starting its process.
- Therefore, we created another program to serve as an audio server, it also has two processes. (Receiving & generating audio) Audio server communicates with the main propgram through a localhost socket connection.
- The main program divides the image input into four areas, and the stereo sound will respond to the area with the most significant obstacles.
Components and Assembly of the Device
- Cycling Helmet
- Depth Camera
- Raspberry Pi
- Power Supply