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Urine Detection: Detection with Dignity

Product in development: DigniTection

Problem Statement

Many existing urine detection devices used in hospitals do not consistently notify nurses or caretakers when patients experience an episode of incontinence. Our mission is two-fold: 1) design a device that will accurately detect urinary incontinence, and 2) send a discrete notification to the nurse’s station to notify them of this incontinence episode; thus ensuring detection with dignity.


Incontinence is a medical term used to describe the involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder (urinary incontinence) or feces from the bowel (fecal incontinence). Urinary incontinence is common among the elderly (geriatric) population, and is also a common symptom of patients with brain or spinal cord injuries. Incontinence can cause increased susceptibility to skin irritation and subsequent degradation, pressure sores, and UTIs (Markland et al., 2011).

For patients undergoing neurorehabilitation, detecting and potentially preventing incontinence is a priority. At the neurorehabilitation unit at Strong Memorial Hospital (Rochester, NY), many patients are bedridden and experience incontinence episodes, requiring a diaper change. At night, a low nurse-to-patient ratio makes it challenging for nurses or overnight staff to check on patients’ diapers in a timely manner. With our product, DigniTection, we aim for nurses to be notified quickly of patients experiencing an incontinence episode, so they can have their diapers changed quickly.