advances in quantum optics and in quantum information science have
opened the possibility of entirely new methods for forming optical
images with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. This
new field of research, known as quantum imaging, has led to other
breakthroughs as well, such as the possibility of imaging without
interaction, with enormous implications for realistic DoD problems.
We propose the formation of a research team aimed at addressing
these issues and at developing new methods of image formation based
on the concept of quantum imaging. Quantum imaging implements
ideas and techniques from the fields of quantum optics and nonlinear
optics. In addition, quantum imaging offers significant opportunities
within the broader field of quantum information science because
the parallelism intrinsic to image-bearing beams leads to increased
information capacity.
have identified four specific imaging systems that will be developed
as part of this program using quantum imaging techniques.
These systems have been selected both because of their intrinsic
importance and because they are well suited for the exploitation
of quantum imaging techniques. These systems are (1) Optical coherence
tomography, in which we will use quantum effects to increase the
axial resolution of the imaging system and to extract useful information
regarding the dispersion of the material, (2) Ghost imaging,
in which one can use coincidence techniques to form images using
photons that have never interacted with the object to be imaged,
(3) Laser radar, for which we will study the use of a noise-free
quantum preamplifier to increase the sensitivity of detection, and
(4) Lithography, where we will study the use of quantum-entangled
photons to write structures at a resolution exceeding that imposed
by classical diffraction theory.
order to achieve these goals, certain new technologies need to be
developed. Our program also involves the development of these
new quantum technologies. As part of this work, we will develop
new intense sources of entangled photons based upon (1) guided-wave
interactions in periodically poled materials, (2) third-order interactions
in atomic vapors, and (3) on the orbital angular momentum of light
beams. We will also study means of producing high-order entanglement,
both in the sense of two-photon entanglement in a large Hilbert
space of pixels and in the sense of entanglement of more than two
photons. Both experimental and theoretical studies of these
issues will be conducted.
have established a research team comprised of many of the most distinguished
researchers in the field of quantum imaging. The team consists
of four experimental groups and two (smaller) theoretical groups.
In addition to its core members, our team includes several
international collaborators who will interact with us as un-funded
members of our team. Management of the project will be conducted
by the principal investigator operating under DoD directions and
under the procedures of his university.
work has important implications for DoD needs. Imaging, surveillance,
and characterization at the nano-scale lie at the heart of many
of DoD missions, and the increased capabilities afforded by quantum
imaging could significantly boost US preparedness. In addition,
a key part of our program is the training of students, who represent
the next generation in the defense of our nation. |