Seminar Series Archive
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Date | Speaker | Institution | Host |
August 28 | Clair Cunningham | Safety Seminar | Wyatt Tenhaeff |
September 4 | Laure Kayser | University of Delaware | Darren Lipomi |
September 11 | Michael A. Webb | Princeton University | Yasemin Basdogan |
September 18 | Zhen Ma | Syracuse University | Gang Fan |
September 25 | Omar A. Abdelrahman | University of Houston | Marc Porosoff |
October 2 | William Tarpeh | Stanford | Astrid Müller |
October 9 | Nicholas R. Sandoval | Tulane University | Allison Lopatkin |
November 13 | Darren Lipomi | University of Rochester | Yasemin Basdogan |
November 20 | Eranda Nikolla | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | Astrid Müller |
December 4 | Nathaniel Lynd | The University of Texas at Austin | Gang Fan |
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Spring 2024
January 24, 2024
José L. Avalos, Princeton University
January 31, 2024
Charles C. L. McCrory, University of Michigan
February 7, 2024
Haiqing Lin, University of Buffalo
February 21, 2024
George T. Wang, Sandia National Laboratories
February 28, 2024
Paula L. Diaconescu, University of California, Los Angeles
March 27, 2024
Benjamin K. Keitz, University of Texas at Austin
April 3, 2024
Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
April 10, 2024
Arthi Jayaraman, University of Delaware
April 17, 2024 - 21st G.J & S.T Su Distinguished Su Lectureship
Eray S. Aydil, New York University
April 24, 2024
Daniel G. Nocera, Harvard University
Fall 2023
September 27, 2023
Professor Benjamin J. Hackel, University of Minnesota
October 11, 2023
Professor Dongxia Liu, University of Delaware
October 25, 2023
Professor Timothy P. Bender, University of Toronto
November 29, 2023
Professor Lisa M. Hall, The Ohio State University
December 6, 2023
Professor Matthew T. McDowell, Georgia Tech
December 13, 2023
Professor Eranda Nikolla, University of Michigan
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Spring 2021
February 3, 2021
Professor Rampi Ramprasad, Georgia Tech
"Polymer Informatics: Current Status & Critical Next Steps"
February 17, 2021
Professor Susannah Scott, University of California, Santa Barber
"Catalytic Upcycling of Polyolefins"
March 17, 2021
Professor Alexis Bell, University of California, Berkeley
The 18th G.J. and S.T. Su Distinguished Lectureship
"Electrochemical Reduction of CO2: Factors Affecting the Choice of Catalyst, Electrolyte, and Reactor”
March 31, 2021
Professor Vicki Grassian, University of California, San Diego
"Environmental Interfaces: Aerosols, Nanomaterials and Indoor Surfaces"
April 7, 2021
Dr. Jeffrey Elam, Argonne Laboratory
"Elucidating the Mechanisms for Atomic Layer Growth through In Situ Studies"
April 14, 2021
Professor Gang Wu, University of Buffalo
“Atomically Dispersed Single Metal Site Catalysts for Hydrogen Fuel Cells”
Junior Faculty Seminar Series
April 21, 2021
Professor Qing Shao, University of Kentucky
"Understanding and Design of Solvation of Chemical Processed"
April 28, 2021
Professor James McKone, University of Pittsburgh
"Electrify Everything: Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Chemical Industry"
May 5, 2021
Professor Julia Dshemuchadse, Cornell University
"Investigating Crystal Structure Formation and Stability in Self-Assembly Simulations"
Fall 2020
September 16, 2020
Professor Evan Granite, University of Pittsburgh-NETL
"Novel Utilization and Products from Abundant Domestic Coal"
September 23, 2020
Professor James Pfaendtner, University of Washington
"Molecular Engineering & Design at the Bio/Nano Interface"
October 14, 2020
Professor William Epling, University of Virginia
"Reversible Sulfur Poisoning of Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) Automotive Emissions Catalysts"
November 4, 2020
Dr. Richard Vaia, Air Force Research Laboratory
Kwang-Yu and Lee-Chien Wang Fellowship Lecture
"The Future of Aerospace Materials: Challenges & Opportunities"
December 2, 2020
Professor Giannis Mpourmpakis, University of Pittsburgh
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall 2019
September 25, 2019
Professor John Kitchin, Carnegie Mellon University
"Machine-Learing Frameworks in Molecular Simulations and its Potential Impact on Science and Engineering"
October 9, 2019
Professor Ralph H. Corlby, Penn State
"Flow-Inducted Crystiallization of Engineering Thermoplastics"
October 16, 2019
Professor Aaron R. Wheeler, University of Toronto
"Digital Microfluidic Stystems for Hard-to-Reach Settings"
October 30, 2019
Professor Christopher J. Bardeen, University of Califorina Riverside
November 6. 2019
Professor Alan C. West, Columbia University
"Studies of Transport Processer in LI-Ion Cathodes"
November 20, 2019
Professor Harry B. Gray, CalTech
Spring 2020
January 30, 2020
Professor Andrew White
"Computational Design of Peptide-Based Matereials with Maximum Entropy Molecular Simulations and Data-Driven Modeling"
February 19, 2020
Professor Chunsheng Wang
"Safe Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries"
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester-2018
September 12, 2018
Professor Helena Hagelin-Weaver, University of Florida
"Oxidation Coupling of Methane over Doped Rare-Earth Oxides"
September 19, 2018
Professor Martha Grover, Georgia Tech
"Optimal Control of Crystallization"
October 3, 2018
Professor Jodie Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M
November 7, 2018
Professor John Mauro, Penn State
"Relaxation is Everywhere"
December 5, 2018
Professor Sapna Sarupria, Clemson University
"Freezing Water and Aqueous Solutions: Elucidating the Molecular Ballet Using Computer Simulations"
December 12, 2018
Professor G. Kane Jennings, Vanderbilt University
"Polymer ThinFilms by Surface Initiation: From Bioreplica Superhydrophobicity to Metal Chelation and pH-Responsiveness"
Spring Semester-2019
"Machine Learning the Structure-Property Relationships that Define Chemistry"
January 30, 2019
Professor Andrew White, University of Rochester
"Computational Design of Peptide-Based Materials with Maximum Entropy Molecular Simulation and Data-Driven Modeling"
March 6, 2019
Professor Samira Siahrostami, University of Calgary
"Theory-Guided Catalyst Design for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Chemical Production"
April 5, 2019
Professor Levi Thompson, University of Delaware
"How to be an Alchemist: Development of Nanostructured Early Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides"
April 10, 2019
Professor Aditya Bhan, University of Minnesota
April 18, 2019
The 17th G.J. & S.T. Su Distinguished Lectureship
Hawkin-Carlson Rm-RRL
Professor Daniel G. Nocera, Harvard University
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester-2017
September 13, 2017
Professor Douglass S. Kalika, University of Kentucky
Structure-Property-Performance Relationships in Polymer Membrane Systems
September 20, 2017
Dr. Timothy J. Bunning, Air Force Research Lab,Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
"Liquid Crystalline/Polymer Films and Dynamic Optical Properties"
September 27, 2017
Professor Steve W. Martin, Iowa State University
"All Solid State Batteries that are Safer, Last Longer, and Cost Less"
October 4, 2017
Dr. Manyalibo Matthews, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Understanding Light-Matter Interactions, Melt Pool Dynamics and Spatter Formation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing
November 8, 2017
Professor Christopher E. Wilmer, University of Pittsburgh
"Finding Truth in Fiction: Efficiently Discovering Physical Structure-Property Relationships By Screening Unphysical Porous Materials"
November 15, 2017
Professor Paul W. Bohn, University of Notra Dame
"Bifunctional Nanostructures for Studies of Single Electron Transfer Reactions"
November 29,2017
Dr. Michael T. Ruggiero, University of Cambridge
"Probing the Structure-Dynamics Relationship with Terahertz Spectroscopy and Applications in Biological and Pharmaceutical Materials"
December 6, 2017
Professor Anna Pyayt, University of South Florida
"Optical Sensing on Multiple Scales"
December 13, 2017
Dr. Amanda B. Marciel, University of Chicago
"Structure and Rheology of Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates"
Spring Semester-2018
January, 15, 2018 -Wegman Hall 4506
Dr. Astrid Muller, California Institute of Technology
"Understanding Heterogeneous Water Oxidation Catalysis"
January 17, 2018
Dr. Benjamin T. Diroll, Argonne National Laboratory
"Manipulation Charges within Nanocrystals and Nanocrystal Superlattices"
January 22, 2018
Dr. Nav Nidhi Rajput, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
"Designing Optimal Electrolytes for Next Generation Energy Storage"
January 24, 2018
Professor Suljo Linic, University of Michigan
"Catalysis on plasmonic metal nanoparticles: Opportunities for highly selective chemical conversion"
January 31, 2018
Dr. Robert C. Ferrier, Jr., University of Texas @ Austin
"A Accessible Synthetic Approach to Novel Polyethers"
February, 21, 2018
Dr. Sijin Li, Stanford University
"Metabolic Engineering for Understanding and Harnessing Natures's Biosynthetic Potential"
March 12, 2018
Professor Yu Lei, University of Connecticut
"Functional Nanomaterials Enabled High-Performace (Bio)Sensors for Medical and Homeland Security Applications"
March 28, 2018
Dr. Salmaan Baxamusa, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
"Material Reliability in Laser Systems: from Large Optical to Small Targets"
April 25, 2018
Professor Carol Hall, North Carolina State University
The 16th G.J. & S.T. Su Distinguished Lectureship
"Spontaneous Formation of Oligomers and Fibrils in Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Alzheimer's Peptides"
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Spring Semester-2016
January 20, 2016
Professor Lynden Archer, Cornell University
Electrodeposition of Metals in Nanostructured Electrolytes: Transport Phenomena and Stability
February 24, 2016
Professor Jillian Buriack, University of Alberta
Nanopatterning on Surfaces via Self-Assembly: Polymers, Patterns, and Plasmons
April 13, 2016
Professor Michael P. Harold, University of Houston
Multi-Functional Structured Catalysts for Clean Exhaust from Lean Burn Vehicles
April 20, 2016
Professor Joshua A. Anderson, University of Michigan
Examining the fluid to solid transition of hard polygons with large scale Monte Carlo simulations
April 27, 2016 - Su Lecturership
Professor Paula Hammond, MIT
Nanostructured Polymer Assemblies for Targeted Bioresponsive Cancer Delivery
Fall Semester-2015
November 18, 2015
Professor Gregory S. Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon University
Polar surface domains and their impact on photochemical reactivity
November 4, 2015
Professor Liangbing Hu, University of Maryland
Nanomaterials for Energy and Flexible Electronics
October 21, 2015
Professor Jason B. Shear, University of Texas @ Austin
Micro-3D Printing of Microscopic Bacterial Communitites
September 23, 2015
Professor Joerg Lahann, University of Michigan
Designer Biointerfaces: Bridging the Gap Between Man-Made Materials and Biological Systems
September 9, 2015
Professor Christopher Bonino, Research Triangle Institute
Renewable Energy Storage
September 2, 2015
Professor Randall Snurr, Northwestern University
Molecular Modeling of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Energy and Environmental Applications
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
NOTE: Friday, August 29, 2014
Room 109 Goergen
Dr. Kei Saito, Monash University, Australia
"Green Polymers-from Photo-responsible
Reversible Polymers to Lignin Based Polymers"
September 17, 2014
Professor Paul Weiss, University of California, Los Angeles
"Cooperative Function in Atomically Precise Nanoscale Assemblies"
October 1, 2014
Professor Mark Ediger, University of Wisconsin - Madison
"Control of stability and molecular orientation in organic glasses (Or how to make a million-year -old glass in 10 minutes)"
October 15, 2014
Mike Riedlinger, High Tech Rochester
"Programs and Resources for People Who Want to Change the World"
October 29, 2014
Professor Yang-Tse Cheng, University of Kentucky
"Understanding Coupled Mechanical-chemical Degradation Mechanisms for Improving the Performance and Durability of Lithium ion Batteries"
November 12
Dr. Edwin P. Chan. NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
"Network Structure of Polyamide Water Desalination Membranes"
December 10, 2014
Professor Philip G. Jessop, Queen's University
"Switchable Solvents"
February 4, 2015
Professor Chilkoti, Duke University
“Translating Molecular Bioengineering from the Lab to the Patient”
March 4, 2015
Professor Lisa DeLouise, University of Rochester
"The Impact of Technology in the Discovery of Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics"
April 1, 2015
Professor Sindee Simon, Texas Tech University
"The Glass Transition and Polymerization Kinetics in Nanoconfined Systems"
April 15, 2015
Dr. Nicole Zacharia, University of Akron
"Modulating Interactions in Polyelectrolyte Multilayers"
April 22, 2015
Professor Patricia Taboada-Serrano, Rochester Institute of Technology
"Electrosorption: tailoring process and materials towards competitive ion-separation technologies'
April 29, 2015- The G.J. & S.T. Su Distinguished Lecturership
Professor Ching Tang, University of Rochester
"Organic Light Emitting Diode:Evolution of the next-generation display technology"
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
September 11, 2013
Professor Wesley Henderson
September 25, 2013
Dr. Joseph F. Bringley
October 23, 2013
Professor Steve G. Greenbaum
November 13, 2013
Professor Athanasios Mantalaris
December 4, 2013
Dr. Maria Ghirardi
December 11, 2013
Professor Thomas H. Epps, III
Spring Semester
April 9th, 2014
Professor Nicholas A. Melosh, Stanford University
"Engineering Biological Cell Access"
April 23rd, 2014
Professor Donald R. Paul, University of Texas at Austin
"Charged Polymer Membranes for Water Purification and Power Generation"
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
September 12, 2012
Professor Quan Li, Kent State University
Advanced Liquid Crystal Materials: From Tunable Photonics to Solar Energy
October 10, 2012
Dr. Jiandi Wan, Rochester Institute of Technology
Microfluidic Studies of the Dynamics of Red Blood Cells and Microbubble Emulsions
November 28, 2012
Professor Jerome Delhommelle, University of North Dakota
Controlling the properties of nanomaterials - Nucleation and growth of semiconductor, metal and molecular nanoparticles
December 5, 2012
Professor Chinedum Osuji, Yale University
Magnetic Fields and Soft Matter - Functional Materials by Directed Self Assembly of Block Copolymer, Nanowire and Surfactant Mesophases
December 13, 2012, 321 Morey Hall, 9:00 a.m.
Heather Kulik, PhD, BWF-CASI Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Predictive and fast: new first-principles tools for materials and catalyst design
December 20, 2012, 101 Goergen Hall, 9:00 a.m.
Daniel Esposito, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Photoelectrodesfor Efficient Solar Water Splitting
Spring Semester
January 10, 2013, 9:00 a.m. 101 Goergen Hall
Wyatt E. Tenhaeff, PhD, Weinberg Fellow, Staff Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Solid State Electrolytes and Lignin-based Carbon Fibers for Safe and Inexpensive Lithium Batteries
January 16, 2013
Professor Michael McAlpine, Princeton University
Biointerfaced Nanodevices
January 24, 2013, 9:00 a.m. 208 Gavett Hall
Cari Dutcher, PhD, NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, Davis
Tuning Responsive Fluids for Environmental and Energy-Saving Applications
January 31, 2013, 9:00 a.m. 208 Gavett Hall
Anita Shukla, PhD, NIH Ruth Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow, Rice University
Designer Surfaces: From Treating Traumatic Injury to Applications in Regenerative Medicine
February 4, 2013, 9:00 a.m. 312 Gavett Hall
Nicholas Brunelli, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow , Georgia Institute of Technology
The Sub-Nanometer Length Scale: Exploring Fundamental Challenges in Aerosols & Catalysis
February 13, 2013
Professor Susan Daniel, Cornell University
A Single Particle Approach for the Study of Viral Entry Kinetics
March 6, 2013
Professor Angelo Lucia, University of Rhode Island
A Multi-Scale Cubic EOS Framework for Use in Reservoir Simulation
April 3, 2013
Professor Amit Bandyopadhyay, Washington State University
Novel hard materials and manufacturing processes towards repair and reconstruction of bone disorders
April 17, 2013
Professor Stacey F. Bent, Stanford University
Modifying Interfaces for Energy Conversion and Nanoelectronics
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
September 7, 2011
Dr. Roya Maboudian, University of California, Berkeley
Probing Interfacial Contact via MEMS-based Microinstrumentation
September 21, 2011
Matt Fronk, Matthew Fronk Consulting
Alternative Fuels "From Theory to Impact"
October 12, 2011
Dr. Stephen Craig, Duke University
Mechanochemical Remodeling of Polymeric Materials
October 26, 2011
Piotr Zelenay, Ph.D., D.Sc., Los Alamos National Laboratory
Non-Precious Metal Oxygen Reduction Catalysts for Fuel Cells
November 16, 2011
Dr. Stephen Forrest, University of Michigan
OLEDs for Lighting: Can They Ever be Bright Enough?
December 7, 2011
Dr. Stefan Zauscher, Duke University
Fabrication and Characterization of Surface-Tethered (Bio)Macromolecular Nanostructures
Spring Semester
January 13, 2012
Dario Gil Ph.D
Program Director, Smarter Energy, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Seminar on Smarter Energy
January 18, 2012
Sang Eon Han, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Harvesting Solar and Thermal Energy with Photonic Nanostructures
January 25, 2012
Dr. Nikhil Nair, Harvard Medical School
Synergy of Protein and Genome Engineering for Fuels and Chemicals Production
February 1, 2012
Dr. Prashant Nagpal, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Third Generation Photovoltaics: Harnessing the Heat or “Hot” Carriers
February 22, 2012
Dr. Paul A. Kohl, Georgia Institute of Technology
A New Approach to Ambient Temperature Fuel Cells: Use of Anionic Conductors
February 29, 2012
Dr. Fuat Celik, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Catalytic Synthesis Gas Conversion to Produce Chemical Products from Non-Petroleum Resources
March 7, 2012
Mr. David Levy, Kodak
Thin Films and High Quality Devices by Open Air ALD
April 18, 2012
Dr. Evan Granite, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Palladium Sorbents for High Temperature Capture of Mercury, Arsenic, Selenium and Phosphorus From Fuel Gas
April 25, 2012
Dr. James Liao, UCLA
A Tale of Two Butanols: Exploring Metabolism for Fuels and Chemicals
May 2, 2012
Dr. John A Rogers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Microcell Photovoltaics
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
September 8, 2010
Jeremy C. Lowe, Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider, LLP
Inventorship in Academia: Who, What, When, and Why?
September 15, 2010
Dr. Miao Yu, University of Colorado
Building Advanced Nanostructures for Energy and Environment Applications
September 22, 2010
Dr. Sun Yong Park, University of Rochester
DNA-Programmable Nanoparticle Crystallization: Making Novel Nanomaterials Using Base Pairing
September 29, 2010
Dr. Sergiy Minko, Clarkson University
Stimuli-Responsive Nanostructured Materials: Applications in Gating of Mass Transport
October 13, 2010
Katelyn Reilly
Design of Biomimetic Polymeric Biomaterials
November 17, 2010
Professor Nicholas A. Kotov, University of Michigan
Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Colloids: Complex Structures, Dynamic Reorganization, and Replication of Biological Functions
Spring Semester
January 19, 2011
Margaret Sobkowicz-Kline
Controlling Phase Separation in Polymer Nanocomposites: Energy and Sustainability Applications
January 28, 2011 (Friday, 2:15 p.m. Goergen 101)
Susan Thomas
Biochemical Engineering of Cancer Immunotherapeutics
February 16, 2011
Hitomi Mukaibo, Ph.D.
Gene Delivery to the C Reinhardtii Algae Chlorplast Using Template-Synthesized Gold Microneedle Arrays
February 23, 2011
Dr. Sapna Sarupria
Hydration Phenomena In Proteins and Gas Hydrates
March 2, 2011
Dr. Fanxing Li
Chemical Looping Strategy and Its Potential for Carbon Negative Energy Conversions
March 16, 2011
Professor Yang Shao-Horn, MIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Challenges and Opportunities for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
April 13, 2011
Professor Rachel A. Segalman, University of California, Berkeley, Chemical Engineering Department and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
Molecular and Hybrid Solution Processible Thermoelectrics
May 4, 2011 - 321 Morey Hall at 2:00 p.m.
Dr. S.K. Lau
Vice President of R&D, Goodrich Corporation
Leading Innovation Strategy Planning
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall Semester
September 16, 2009
Professor Carson Meredith, Georgia Tech, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. "Pollen Adhesion and Implications to Indoor Air Pollution: A Sticky Subject?"
September 30, 2009
Professor Olivia A. Graeve, Alfred University, Kazuo Inamori School of Engineering. “New Synthesis and Sintering Methods in Materials Research”
October 14, 2009
Professor Alan C. West, Columbia University,"Electrodeposition of Copper Interconnects: Transport and Reaction Mechanisms"
November 18, 2009
Professor Yadong Yin, University of California Riverside,“Magnetically Tunable Photonic Nanostructures: Making Colors with Magnets”
December 2, 2009
Professor Sharon C. Glotzer, Universityof Michigan,
Spring Semester
January 20, 2010
Professor Stuart J. Rowan, Case Western ReserveUniversity,"Utilizing Supramolecular Chemistry to Access Dynamic Materials"
February 24, 2010
Dr. David B. Mitzi, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Photovoltaic Science and Technology, "Solution-Processing of Chalcopyrite and Related Films for Photovoltaic Application"
April 7, 2010
Professor Edward J. Kramer, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Synthesizing “Hairy” Nanoparticles and Controlling Their Positioning in Block Copolymers"
April 14, 2010
Professor Danielle Benoit, University of Rochester
"Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems for Regenerative Medicine and Therapeutic Applications"
May 5, 2010
G.J. and S.T. Su Distinguished Lectureship
Professor Brian Korgel, The University of Texas at Austin
"Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanocrystals for Transistor and Photovoltaic Applications"
Hoyt Auditorium
Reception begins at 1:45 p.m.
Lecutre begins at 2:15 p.m.
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
Fall semester
September 24, 2008
Dr. David Albin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
"Process-related Degradation in Polycrystalline, Thin-Film CdTe
Solar Cells"
October 15, 2008
Dr. Ronald Jones, National Institute of Standards and Technology
"3-D structure of templated nanostructures self-assembled using thermal gradients"
October 29, 2008
Professor David Schiraldi, Case Western Reserve University
"Clay Aerogel/Polymer Composite Materials"
November 12, 2008
Professor Chris Macosko, University of Minnesota
"Polymer Protected Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery"
December 3, 2008
Alexander Shestopalov, Duke University
"Catalytic microcontact printing on functionalized self-assembled monolayers"
Spring Semester
January 28th, 2009
Ms. Chelsea Monty, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
February 25, 2009
Professor Karen K. Gleason, M.I.T.
“Designing Functional and Responsive Organic Surfaces
by Chemical Vapor Deposition”
April 8, 2009
Professor Sanat K. Kamar, Columbia University
April 22, 2009
Professor Benjamin L. Miller, University of Rochester
May 20, 2009
Distinguished Su Lectureship Series
Professor Tobin Marks, Northwestern University
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
September 19, 2007
"Novel Formulations for the Noninvasive Delivery of Systemically Acting Drugs to and through the Lungs"
Professor Sandro da Rocha, Wayne State University
September 26
"Chemical and Biomedical Applications of Droplet ("Digital") Microfluidics"
Professor Robin L. Garrell, University of California- Los Angeles
October 17
"Block Copolymers as a New Design Platform for High-Performance Electroactive Polymers"
Professor Richard Spontak, North Carolina State University
Monday November 12, 101 Goergen Hall, 12:00pm-12:50pm
Professor Pierre Carlès
Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Université Pierre et Marie Curie/CNS
Paris, France
November 28
"Effect of Conformational and Configurational Control on Charge Mobility in Naphthalene Diimide-Based Organic Thin-Film Transistors"
Dr. Deepak Shukla, Kodak
Rochester, NY
December 12
"Solution-Processable Organic Conductors and Semiconductors: Viable Materials for Thin-Film Electronics"
Professor Lynn Loo, Princeton University
February 6
"Breaking the Chemical and Engineering Barriers to Lignocellulosic Biofuels"
Professor George W. Huber, University of Massachussetts- Amherst
February 20
“Designing Hierarchical Porous Structures, Shaped Nanoparticles and Electrode Materials”
Professor Andreas Stein, University of Minnesota
March 19
Professor Vladimir Bulovic, M.I.T.
April 2
"From Directed Self-Assembly to Self-Corralling: Harnessing Materials on the Nanoscale"
Professor Thomas Russell, University of Massachussetts- Amherst
April 16
"Paint solvent and other lies"
Professor Marc Donohue, Johns Hopkins University
April 23
“Direct Oxidation Liquid Feed Methanol Fuel Cells and the Methanol Economy™”
Professor G.K. Surya Prakash, University of Southern California
April 30 Su Lectureship
Professor Joseph DeSimone, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill &
North Carolina State University
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
September 20, 2006
"Recent developments on SOFC for use with hydrocarbon fuels"
Professor Raymond J. Gorte, University of Pennsylvania, PA
October 18
"Phase Behavior of Small and Large Molecules: Characterization of Molecular Interactions"
Professor Charles F. Zukoski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champlain, IL
November 1
"Synthesis, Functionalization, and Clinical Diagnostic Applications of II-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals"
Professor T.J. Mountziaris, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, MA
November 29
"Extrafluorescent Electroluminescence in Organic Light Emitting Devices"
Professor Marc Baldo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
December 6
"Photovoltaic Technologies for Solar Energy Conversion ¿ Challenges and Opportunities"
Professor Ching Tang, University of Rochester
December 13
"A Molecular Approach to the Reductive Side of Water Splitting: Making Hydrogen Using Platinum Complexes"
Professor Richard Eisenberg, University of Rochester
February 7
"Nanoscale Lithography Using Block Copolymers"
Professor Paul F. Nealey, University of Wisconsin, Madison
February 28
"What is the Role of the Inventor in Preparing and Prosecuting Patent Applications"
Raymond L. Owens, Patent Legal Staff, Eastman Kodak Company
March 22
Distinguished Su Lectureship Series
Professor Michael Graetzel, Ph.D. Dr.h.c.mult.
Director, Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI), Institute of Chemical Science and Engineering, Faculty of Basic Science, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
April 4 (CANCELED)
"From Directed Self-Assembly to Self-Corralling: Harnessing Materials on the Nanoscale"
Professor Thomas P. Russell, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, MA
April 25
"Tunable-focus liquid and liquid crystal lenses"
Professor Shin-Tson Wu, University of Central Florida
May 2
Professor Satish Kandlikar, Rochester Institute of Technology
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
September 14, 2005
"Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Self-Assembly, Amplified Quenching and Application to Biosensors"
Professor Kirk S. Schanze, University of Florida, FL
September 28
"Spectroscopic Studies of Polymer Blends: Facts and Artefacts"
Professor Paul Painter, Penn State University, PA
October 12
"The Nanoscience of Macroscale Systems: Materials Fabrication for Power, Sensing, and IT"
Professor Ralph Nuzzo, University of Illinois, IL
November 16
"A (Random) Walk on a Scale-Free Nets"
Professor Daniel Ben-Avraham, Clarkson University, NY
December 7
"New Soft Materials with Designed Functionality - Liquid Crystalline Elastomers and Hybrid Hydrogels"
Professor Patrick T. Mather, Case Western Reserve University, OH
February 8
"Dripping, Jetting, Drops and Wetting: The Magic of Microfluidics"
Professor David Weitz, Harvard University
February 22
"Influences of Tailored Intermolecular Interactions on the Formation of Macromolecular Fibers, Surfaces, and Elastomers"
Professor Timothy Long, Virginia Tech, VA
March 29
"Modeling of Thin Flims Flows"
Dr. Steven J. Weinstein, Eastman Kodak Company, NY
April 19
"Interfacial Transients at a Moving Liquid Meniscus"
Professor Thomas B Jones, University of Rochester, NY
April 26
Distinguished Su Lectureship Series
"Complex Fluids as Templates for New Materials"
Professor Eric W. Kaler, University of Delaware, DE
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
September 15, 2004
"Molecular Structure versus Phase Behavior of Materials in Carbon Dioxide: The Quest to Design a More Sustainable CO2-Phile "
Professor Eric J. Beckman, Bayer Professor and Chairman, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Pittsburgh
September 29, 2004
"Using Ionic Liquids for Gas Separations"
Professor Joan F. Brennecke, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Notre Dame
October 6, 2004
"Polymer - Inorganic Hybrids: Merging Polymer Science and Solid State Materials"
Professor Ulrich Wiesner, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University
October 20, 2004
"Ionomer Morphologies - Moving Toward A Thorough Understanding"
Professor Karen I. Winey, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
November 3, 2004
"Copper Planarization by Electropolishing"
Professor Ian Ivar Suni, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clarkson University
November 17, 2004
"Semiconducting and Piezoelectric Nanobelts, Nanosprings and Nanorings"
Professor Zhong Lin Wang, Director, Center For Nanostructure Characterization & Fabrication (CNCF), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
January 19, 2005
"Mammalian Cell Processing Using Acoustic Technology for Cell Retention in Bioreactors and for Viral Transfection Applications"
Professor James Piret, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biotechnology, University of British Colombia, Canada
February 9, 2005
"Research and Production of Membrane- Electrode-Assembly (MEA) For High Performance Polyelectrolyte Fuel Cell (PEM-FC)"
Professor Israel Cabasso, Director of the Polymer Research Institute, State University of New York-esf (Environment Science and Forestry) at Syracuse
February 23, 2005
"Polymers and Particles at Interfaces by Directed Assembly"
Professor Todd S. Emrick, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst
March 30, 2005
"Polymer Selective Flake Nanocomposites"
Professor Michael Tsapatsis, Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science, University of Minnesota
April 13, 2005
"Nanofluids and Nanocomposites"
Professor Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Director, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University
Chemical Engineering Seminar Series
January 29, 2003
“New Developments in Lithographic Patterning: Steps to Three-dimensional Microfabrication”
Professor Christopher Ober, Francis Norwood Bard Professor of Materials Engineering Department, Cornell University
February 12, 2003
“Three-dimensional Modelling of Human Tissues in Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) Bioreactor Systems: Potential Targets for Pathogen Propagation and Countermeasures”
Dr. Thomas J. Goodwin, Biotechnology Facility Chief Scientist ISS
Biological Systems Office, NASA
February 26, 2003
"DNA hybridization on metal nanowires for biosensing and materials assembly"
Professor Christine Keating, Chemistry Department, Penn State University
March 21, 2003 (Friday)
“Dimensional Stability of Polyester Films”
Dr. Jehuda Greener, Engineering Physics Laboratory, Eastman Kodak Company
March 26, 2003
“The Chemistry and Art of Forming Nanostructures”
Professor Younan Xia, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington,
April 9, 2003
“New Materials as Emitting Layers for Multi-Color LEDs”
Professor Ana de Bettencourt- Dias, Chemistry Department, University of Syracuse
April 23, 2003
“Our Energy Policy- A Time for a Change”
Professor Jeff Tester, H. P. Meissner Professor of Chemical Engineering
Laboratory for Energy and the Environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology