Fall Term Schedule
Fall 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
CHE 1000-1
Alexander Shestopalov
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Teaching assistantship in Chemical Engineering
CHE 1001-1
Alexander Shestopalov
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Graduate research assistantship in Chemical Engineering.
CHE 113-2
Melodie Lawton
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture.
CHE 113-4
Melodie Lawton
F 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture.
CHE 113-5
Melodie Lawton
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture.
CHE 113-6
Melodie Lawton
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture.
CHE 150-01
Marc Porosoff
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
An introductory engineering course about energy production, conversion, storage and utilization. The first half of the course covers energy and power metrics, material and energy balances and the laws of thermodynamics. The remainder of the course examines traditional and alternative energy sources, viewed through the lens of chemical engineering principles. Course activities include homework assignments, exams, and a group design project. Emphasis is on assumption-based problem solving.
CHE 150-2
Marc Porosoff
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
An introductory engineering course about energy production, conversion, storage and utilization. The first half of the course covers energy and power metrics, material and energy balances and the laws of thermodynamics. The remainder of the course examines traditional and alternative energy sources, viewed through the lens of chemical engineering principles. Course activities include homework assignments, exams, and a group design project. Emphasis is on assumption-based problem solving.
CHE 225-2
Matthew Yates
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
Junior level core chemical engineering course in classical thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics are covered with particular emphasis on application to chemical and engineering processes of pure substances. Concepts include the conservation of energy in processes, the direction of spontaneous change, the limited efficiency in converting heat into useful power, and the composition of systems in phase and chemical equilibrium. Equations of state are used to model fluids and calculate their thermodynamic properties.
CHE 225-4
Matthew Yates
F 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Junior level core chemical engineering course in classical thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics are covered with particular emphasis on application to chemical and engineering processes of pure substances. Concepts include the conservation of energy in processes, the direction of spontaneous change, the limited efficiency in converting heat into useful power, and the composition of systems in phase and chemical equilibrium. Equations of state are used to model fluids and calculate their thermodynamic properties.
CHE 244-1
Yasemin Basdogan
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
An introduction to heat and mass transfer mechanisms and process rates. The principles of energy and mass conservation serve to formulate equations governing conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer as well as diffusive and convective mass transfer. Both steady-state and transient problems up to three dimensions are treated in the absence and presence of chemical reactions. The gained fundamental knowledge base is applied to design heat- and mass-transfer operations. Pre-reqs: CHE 243, PHY 121, MATH 165
CHE 244-2
Yasemin Basdogan
M 3:25PM - 4:40PM
An introduction to heat and mass transfer mechanisms and process rates. The principles of energy and mass conservation serve to formulate equations governing conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer as well as diffusive and convective mass transfer. Both steady-state and transient problems up to three dimensions are treated in the absence and presence of chemical reactions. The gained fundamental knowledge base is applied to design heat- and mass-transfer operations. Pre-reqs: CHE 243, PHY 121, MATH 165
CHE 246-1
Melodie Lawton
M 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY
CHE 246-2
Melodie Lawton
W 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY
CHE 246-4
Melodie Lawton
T 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY
CHE 258-1
Mark Mathias
TR 6:15PM - 7:30PM
This course will present principles of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, leading into design considerations for the development of battery and fuel cell systems. The course will prepare you to understand the role of energy conversion and storage to address environmental challenges, with specific focus on electric vehicles and load-leveling of the electric grid. Pre-requisites are General Chemistry (CHM 131/132) and Thermodynamics (CHE 225 or ME 123) or equivalent"
CHE 268-3
David Foster
TR 4:50PM - 6:05PM
This course will provide an introduction to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with emphasis on both the theory and the practical application to simple and complex problems. The course begins with a study of finite difference and finite volume models of one-dimensional partial differential equations. These equations are central to the understanding of more complex CFD models. The course will use ANSYS Fluent, a commercial CFD code, to solve both simple and complex simulations including both laminar and turbulent flow as well as heat transfer. The course will be a combination of traditional lectures, in-class projects and independent project work. **This class will be offered even years, alternating with CHE 259 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems **
CHE 272-1
Wyatt Tenhaeff
MW 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Lectures, problem sets, and design projects. Introduction to the dynamic behavior of chemical engineering systems and to the analysis of feedback control systems. Methods of design of single feedback loops and multivariable systems are covered. Course open to Senior CHE students ONLY
CHE 272-2
Wyatt Tenhaeff
F 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Lectures, problem sets, and design projects. Introduction to the dynamic behavior of chemical engineering systems and to the analysis of feedback control systems. Methods of design of single feedback loops and multivariable systems are covered. Course open to Senior CHE students ONLY
CHE 287-1
Alexander Shestopalov
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
Graduate and advanced undergraduate course on surface-specific analytical techniques. The first few lectures of the course will cover basic thermodynamics and kinetics of solid-liquid and solid-gas interfaces, including surface energy and tension, surface forces, adsorption and chemisorption, and self-assembly. The rest of the class will focus on surface spectroscopy and microscopy, including X-ray and UV photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, IR and Raman spectroscopy/microscopy and scanning probe microscopy.
CHE 390A-1
Melodie Lawton
7:00PM - 7:00PM
No description
CHE 391-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 391-2
Astrid Mueller
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 391-3
David Foster
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 391-4
Marc Porosoff
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 391-5
David Harding
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 391-6
Yasemin Basdogan
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 394-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the Internship Registration Form.
CHE 395-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 395-2
Gang Fan
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
CHE 398-03
Wyatt Tenhaeff
F 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Students fully-involved in Fall and Spring Chem-E Car club may enroll for 1 credits each semester. Prerequisite: students must be intended or declared CHE majors/minors.
Fall 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |
CHE 246-1
Melodie Lawton
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY |
CHE 244-2
Yasemin Basdogan
An introduction to heat and mass transfer mechanisms and process rates. The principles of energy and mass conservation serve to formulate equations governing conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer as well as diffusive and convective mass transfer. Both steady-state and transient problems up to three dimensions are treated in the absence and presence of chemical reactions. The gained fundamental knowledge base is applied to design heat- and mass-transfer operations. Pre-reqs: CHE 243, PHY 121, MATH 165 |
Monday and Wednesday | |
CHE 272-1
Wyatt Tenhaeff
Lectures, problem sets, and design projects. Introduction to the dynamic behavior of chemical engineering systems and to the analysis of feedback control systems. Methods of design of single feedback loops and multivariable systems are covered. Course open to Senior CHE students ONLY |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | |
Tuesday | |
CHE 246-4
Melodie Lawton
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY |
Tuesday and Thursday | |
CHE 113-2
Melodie Lawton
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture. |
CHE 287-1
Alexander Shestopalov
Graduate and advanced undergraduate course on surface-specific analytical techniques. The first few lectures of the course will cover basic thermodynamics and kinetics of solid-liquid and solid-gas interfaces, including surface energy and tension, surface forces, adsorption and chemisorption, and self-assembly. The rest of the class will focus on surface spectroscopy and microscopy, including X-ray and UV photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, IR and Raman spectroscopy/microscopy and scanning probe microscopy. |
CHE 225-2
Matthew Yates
Junior level core chemical engineering course in classical thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics are covered with particular emphasis on application to chemical and engineering processes of pure substances. Concepts include the conservation of energy in processes, the direction of spontaneous change, the limited efficiency in converting heat into useful power, and the composition of systems in phase and chemical equilibrium. Equations of state are used to model fluids and calculate their thermodynamic properties. |
CHE 244-1
Yasemin Basdogan
An introduction to heat and mass transfer mechanisms and process rates. The principles of energy and mass conservation serve to formulate equations governing conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer as well as diffusive and convective mass transfer. Both steady-state and transient problems up to three dimensions are treated in the absence and presence of chemical reactions. The gained fundamental knowledge base is applied to design heat- and mass-transfer operations. Pre-reqs: CHE 243, PHY 121, MATH 165 |
CHE 150-01
Marc Porosoff
An introductory engineering course about energy production, conversion, storage and utilization. The first half of the course covers energy and power metrics, material and energy balances and the laws of thermodynamics. The remainder of the course examines traditional and alternative energy sources, viewed through the lens of chemical engineering principles. Course activities include homework assignments, exams, and a group design project. Emphasis is on assumption-based problem solving. |
CHE 268-3
David Foster
This course will provide an introduction to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with emphasis on both the theory and the practical application to simple and complex problems. The course begins with a study of finite difference and finite volume models of one-dimensional partial differential equations. These equations are central to the understanding of more complex CFD models. The course will use ANSYS Fluent, a commercial CFD code, to solve both simple and complex simulations including both laminar and turbulent flow as well as heat transfer. The course will be a combination of traditional lectures, in-class projects and independent project work. **This class will be offered even years, alternating with CHE 259 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems ** |
CHE 258-1
Mark Mathias
This course will present principles of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, leading into design considerations for the development of battery and fuel cell systems. The course will prepare you to understand the role of energy conversion and storage to address environmental challenges, with specific focus on electric vehicles and load-leveling of the electric grid. Pre-requisites are General Chemistry (CHM 131/132) and Thermodynamics (CHE 225 or ME 123) or equivalent" |
Wednesday | |
CHE 246-2
Melodie Lawton
Hands-on experience with concepts in phase equilibrium, heat and mass transfer, and chemical kinetics. Emphasis on measurement techniques, data analysis, and experimental design. Involves structured experiments, open-ended projects, and oral or written reports. Open to Chemical Engineering Seniors ONLY |
Friday | |
CHE 113-4
Melodie Lawton
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture. |
CHE 272-2
Wyatt Tenhaeff
Lectures, problem sets, and design projects. Introduction to the dynamic behavior of chemical engineering systems and to the analysis of feedback control systems. Methods of design of single feedback loops and multivariable systems are covered. Course open to Senior CHE students ONLY |
CHE 113-5
Melodie Lawton
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture. |
CHE 113-6
Melodie Lawton
Course Content and Method of Instruction: Methodology and problem solving techniques in chemical engineering; the concepts of mass and energy conservation in both reacting and non-reacting chemical systems; the concept of equilibrium in chemical and physical systems and the basic principles of thermodynamics are presented; both steady state and transient behavior are discussed for some special systems. Students must also register for a workshop along with the lecture. |
CHE 150-2
Marc Porosoff
An introductory engineering course about energy production, conversion, storage and utilization. The first half of the course covers energy and power metrics, material and energy balances and the laws of thermodynamics. The remainder of the course examines traditional and alternative energy sources, viewed through the lens of chemical engineering principles. Course activities include homework assignments, exams, and a group design project. Emphasis is on assumption-based problem solving. |
CHE 225-4
Matthew Yates
Junior level core chemical engineering course in classical thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics are covered with particular emphasis on application to chemical and engineering processes of pure substances. Concepts include the conservation of energy in processes, the direction of spontaneous change, the limited efficiency in converting heat into useful power, and the composition of systems in phase and chemical equilibrium. Equations of state are used to model fluids and calculate their thermodynamic properties. |
CHE 398-03
Wyatt Tenhaeff
Students fully-involved in Fall and Spring Chem-E Car club may enroll for 1 credits each semester. Prerequisite: students must be intended or declared CHE majors/minors. |