Master's Program

Program and Curriculum

Students will learn the technical and clinical aspects of medical imaging that will allow them to pursue a career in medical imaging research. Science and engineering students will learn about clinical imaging that will complement their knowledge of science and engineering in addressing clinically relevant research problems. In contrast, Residents and Medical students will learn more about the science and engineering that underpins clinical imaging systems that will complement their clinical knowledge in addressing clinically relevant research problems. Additionally, the knowledge acquired by both groups of students will allow them to be more effective members of a multi-disciplinary research team—clinicians that have a better appreciation of the engineering and science challenges incurred in clinical imaging research or scientist and engineers that have a better appreciation of the clinical needs.

MS Program Options

Each MS candidate must choose one of the following options.

Plan A Thesis Option (requires 6-10 research credits)

All thesis students must successfully defend a thesis. The defense must be conducted by a committee of no less than two ECE faculty members and one outside faculty member.

Plan B Exam Option (0-6 research credits allowed)

All part-time and non-thesis option students must pass a MS exam, which can be a term project, an essay or an oral exam. The exam must be conducted by a committee of no less than two ECE faculty members.


Research is a significant element of the proposed program. All students will be encouraged to do at least four credits of research (Plan B) in the spring semester. Plan A students will do six credits in research.

Students must complete 32 credit hours of study in graduate courses at the 400-level or higher, students are required to take all of the following courses:

  • ECE 446: Digital Signal Processing
  • ECE 447: Introduction to Digital Image Processing Using Python
  • ECE 452: Medical Imaging: Theory and Implementation
  • ECE 481: Clinical Imaging I
  • ECE 485: Inverse Problems in Imaging
  • ECE 495: Research Project
  • ECE 484: Deep Learning in Imaging
  • ECE 482: Clinical Imaging II
  • ECE 486: Imaging Labs

Sample Programs

Term: Fall 1, Example 1 – Clinical Imaging Track (Plan A)
Course Number: TitleCreditsNewPrerequisite(s)
ECE 447: Introduction to Digital Image Processing Using Python4 ECE 446 or equivalent
ECE 452: Medical Imaging: Theory and Implementation4 ECE 446 or equivalent
ECE 446: Digital Signal Processing4 ECE 240 or equivalent
ECE 481: Clinical Imaging I4X 
Term credit total:16 
Term: Fall 1, Example 2 – Clinical Imaging Track (Plan B)
Course Number: TitleCreditsNewPrerequisite(s)
ECE 447: Introduction to Digital Image Processing Using Python4 ECE 446 or equivalent
ECE 452: Medical Imaging: Theory and Implementation4 ECE 446 or equivalent
ECE 446: Digital Signal Processing4 ECE 240 or equivalent
ECE 481: Clinical Imaging I4X 
Term credit total:16 
Term: Spring 1, Example 1 – Clinical Imaging Track (Plan A)
Course Number: TitleCreditsNewPrerequisite(s)
ECE 485: Inverse Problems in Imaging4X 
ECE 495: Research Project6X 
ECE 482: Clinical Imaging II2X 
ECE 486: Imaging Labs4X 
Term credit total:16 
Term: Spring 2, Example 2 – Clinical Imaging Track (Plan B)
Course Number: TitleCreditsNewPrerequisite(s)
ECE 485: Inverse Problems in Imaging4X 
ECE 495 Research project or elective or
ECE 484: Machine Learning in Imaging
ECE 482: Clinical Imaging II4X 
ECE 486: Imaging Labs4X 
Term credit total:16