Useful Links
Research papers
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP)
Transactions of the Internation Society for Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR)
Internation Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Software toolboxes and tutorials
Weka: an open source machine learning software with GUI
Scikit-learn: an open source machine learning library in the Python ecosystem
PyTorch Tutorial: a nice PyTorch tutorial with examples
TorchAudio: data manipulation and transformation for audio signal processing, powered by PyTorch
Librosa: audio and music processing in Python
Matlab MIDI toolbox: a nice matlab toolbox to deal with MIDI files
Matlab MIDI toolbox Java extension: this toolbox fixes some platform incompatibility issues in the Matlab MIDI toolbox. Use this together with the Matlab MIDI toolbox.
Matlab MIR toolbox: a pretty comprehensive toolbox for MIR
Matlab Audio Processing Examples, written by Dan Ellis
Marsyas: a open-source software framework for audio applications, written in C++.
MIDI and Music Synthesis: a quick tutorial and overview from Guitar Junky.
A Great List of Music Datasets: started by Alexander Lerch at Georgia Tech
Pitch Tracking Database (PTDB-TUG): a speech database for pitch tracking and source separation.
TIMIT Speech Corpus: a large and standard speech corpus
Free software
Audacity: a free and open source software for recording and editing sounds.
Cool demos
ASA demos: demos accompanying Bregman's Auditory Scene Analysis book.
Auditory Neuroscience: many cool demos about acoustics, the ear, and scene analysis.
Related courses
A list of Music Information Retrieval (MIR)-related courses here.
Computer Music Systems and Information Processing, by Roger Dannenberg at CMU
Machine Perception of Music and Audio, by Bryan Pardo at Northwestern University
Music Information Retrieval, by Juan Pablo Bello at New York University
Music Processing Analysis, by Meinard Muller at Bonn University
Music Signal Processing, by Dan Ellis at Columbia University
Music, Information, Neuroscience, by Michael Casey at Dartmouth College
A nice article on Western music's development