Fall 2024

We had oral presentations this year. Each team had 15 minutes for presentation and Q&A. There were some very cool projects!

Author Title Slides
Baotong Tian Streaming Voice Conversion Through Chunk-wise Training and Lookahead Loss Slides
Hesham Elshafey Speech Emotion Recognition Using LSTM Neural Network Slides
Jiajun Wu & Sebastian Xu Reproduction of Temporal Convolutional Networks for Musical Audio Beat Tracking Slides
Vahni Tagirisa & Ashlynne Xavier Enhanced Captioning for Musical Theatre Slides
Ko Muramatsu Real-Time Piano Transcription for Music Performance Slides
Xingjian Du An Affordable, Controllable, and Modular System for AI Music Generation Slides

Fall 2023

We had oral presentations this year. Each team had 15 minutes for presentation and Q&A. All teams did well. Many projects went beyond what we have covered in class! Final reports and slides can be found below.

Author Title Slides
Max Morris & Alex Kim Stealing Guitar Effects Slides
McCormack Chew & Declan Parker Guitar Tuning Detection Slides
Huiran Yu Chorale Music Transcription with Soft DTW Training Loss Slides
Hanna Berger, Anna Boyd, & Izzy Hargrave JingleBot: Short Form Music Generation with WaveNet Slides
Qixin Deng, Tianyi Zhang, & Boning Wang AutoMusicians: Polyphonic Music Composition via GPT-4-Powered Multi Agent System Slides
Yuze Wang & Chengkai Kang Pseudo Autoregressive Inference Using Diffusion Model for Piano Audio Synthesis Slides
Yutong Wen Audio Content Replication Detection Slides
Anes Macić Hearing Hearing Loss: Inverting the Auditory Nerve Model Slides

Fall 2022

We had oral presentations this year. All the teams did a great job. Their presentations were clear, engaging, and on time! After the presentation session, students had fun interacting with the Interactive Accompaniment System that Yiyang and Joseph developed, using keyboard, saxophone and violin! It's a pity that the group picture didn't size correctly, but everyone is more or less in there!

Author Title Slides
Ben Kevelson & Tehgan Murray Energy-Informed NMF for Polyphonic Piano MIDI Transcription Slides
Seth Roberts Tablature Estimation of Acoustic Guitar Recordings with a Convolutional Neural Network Slides
William Bellows Automatic Drum Transcription Using RNN Source Separation and Energy-Based Onset Detection Slides
Cassius Close GAN-Based Bandwidth Extension for Music Slides
Miller Hickman & Alex Mancuso Modal Shifting Slides
Noah Miller & Joe Bumpus Early Investigations Into Real-Time Beatbox Resynthesis Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Slides
Yiyang Wang & Joseph Jaeger An Interactive Computational System to Accompany Jazz Improvisation Slides
Yongyi Zang An Initial Investigation of the Attack-Specific Artifacts Overfitting Issue in Speech Antispoofing Model Slides

Fall 2019

Another year of interesting projects!

Author Title Poster
Michael Finley & Gavin Baker Melody Generation with Markov Models, A Rule Based Approach Poster
Claire Wenner Timbre Transformation Poster
Haiqin Yin & Bo Wen Audio-Visual Alignment Model with Neural Network Poster
Frank Cwitkowitz Guitar Music Transcription: A New Design Concept Poster
Ian Lawson, Gazi Naven, & Tolga Aktas Bidirectional LSTM Classification and Unsupervised Visualization of Speech Accent Poster
Kyle Cooper & Shafaqat Rahman Assessing Differences in Music Perception Using Music-In-Noise Testing (MINT) Poster
Nicholas Boldt & Shadi Sartipi Optimizing Stimulus Presentation for a Spatial Auditory P300 Speller Poster
Raunaq Jaswal Classification of Modern Pop Songs into ‘Day’ and ‘Night’ Songs Poster
Lukas Dillingham & Varun Khatri Guitar Tuning Identification Poster
Yuxiang Wang & Neil Zhang Customization Of HRTF Using Anthropometric Features Poster
Neil Zhang One-Class Neural Network for Anti-Spoofing in Speaker Verification Poster
Meiying Chen Attention based 3-D Convolution Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition Poster
Mojtaba Heydari Percussive Music Generation Poster
Narcissus Mohammadi Separation of Spatial Audio using Projection-based Method Poster
Tong Shan From Music to Semantics: Automatically Generating Time-Varying Semantic Tags from Music Poster

Fall 2018

This year the class size reached another new record, and we continued allowing students to work in groups. Here are the interesting projects!

Author Title Poster Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3 Reviewer 4
Autumn Coe Pipe Organ Stop Identification via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Poster Yang Scott Madhu Ben
Sheng Xu, Albert Peyton, Ryan Bhular Melody Informed Musical Chord Generation using HMM Poster Christos Zhixian Tre
Christodoulos Benetatos Towards DNN-Human Real-Time Music Improvisation Poster Sheng Zhixian Theresa
Yoon mo Yang Short-time Emotion Tracking using A Convolutional Autoencoder Poster Bingjing Theresa Joshua
Gehang Li Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation Based on Harmonicity and Non-negative Matrix Factorization Poster Albert Autumn Erik
Zhixian Huang, Shaotian Chen, Bingjing Zhu Deep learning for Audio Style Transfer Poster Christos Ge Madeline
Madeline Cappelloni Audiovisual Parsing of Polyphonic Music Poster Sheng Autumn Gehang
Joseph James Dipassio III Automatic Transcription and Arrangement Analysis for A Cappella Music Poster Ryan Madeline Joshua
Ge Zhu An Autoencoder Baseline in Channel Normalization System Poster Yang James Madhu Ben
Joshua Miller, Jillian Donahue, Benjamin Schmitz Speech Emotion and Drunkenness Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks Poster Shaotian Kyle Yoon
James Fosburgh, Scott Bradley Speech Enhancement Using Synthesis and Adaptive Techniques Poster Shaotian Erik Yoon
Theresa Kettelberger Factors for Improving Classification of Creaky Voice Poster Ryan Bingjing Tre Jillian
Yang Lu An Audio Integrated Noise Control System using Variable Step Size MFxLMS Algorithm with Online Secondary Path Modeling Poster Albert Gehang James Kyle
Madhu Ashok, Erik Nunez, Kyle Ohlschlager Source Localization using a Spherical Microphone Array Poster Ge Scott Jillian

Fall 2017

This year the class size reached a new record, and we allowed students to work with a partner on their final project. These projects were all interesting the presentation session went well!

Author Title Poster Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3
Arvind Ramanathan Beatboxing to Drums using Support Vector Machines Poster Jiyuan Sattwik Steve
Hilary Mogul Offline Automatic Accompaniment Generation with External Rhythmic Signatures, and Experiments in Automatic Harmonization Algorithms Poster Haoyu Arvind Jing
Haoyu Li & Jiyuan Tian Polyphonic Fundamental Frequency Estimation Using Score-Informed Source Separation and Probabilistic YIN Algorithm Poster Mingqing Saarish Jing
Isaac Mosebrook Embedded Speech Recognition System Poster Wei Ye Arvind
Mingqing Yun & Jing Bi Deep Learning for Musical Instrument Recognition Poster Greg Sattwik Yujia
Gregory Hunkins Neural Network for Binaural Voice Localization Poster Yujia Yufei Steve
Saarish Kareer & Sattwik Basu Musical Polyphony Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks Poster Ye Wei Hilary
Steve Philbert Investigation of Source Localization and Beamforming with a Spherical Microphone Array Poster Yufei Greg Isaac
Wei Zhou & Yufei Zhang Speech Separation in Multi-Channel by ICA and in Monaural by Deep Recurrent Neutral Networks Poster Jiyuan Saarish Hilary
Yujia Yan & Ye He Speech Enhancement: An Investigation With Raw Waveform Poster Haoyu Isaac Mingqing

Fall 2015

Each student worked on an individual course project. Some of the projects were quite interesting. The poster session went well too.

Author Title Poster Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3
Iris Ren Comparing Artificial Intelligence Music and Human Music: A Case Study of Prof. David Cope’s Emmy System Poster Steven Shan Junzhi
Jay Biernat Instrument Recognition in Polyphonic Mixtures Using Spectral Envelopes Poster Jon Marko Qiaozhan
Jon Downing Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Drum Source Separation and Transcription Poster Steven Jay Shan
Junzhi Du A Method of Query-by-Humming System for Polyphonic Audio Poster Qiaozhan Marko Jay
Marko Stamenovic Identifying Cover Songs Using Deep Neural Networks Poster Iris Shan Jon
Qiaozhan Gao Pitch Detection Based Monophonic Piano Transcription Poster Jon Iris Junzhi
Shan Anis Exploring Automatic Chord Recognition Algorithms Poster Junzhi Jay Steven
Steven Crawford What Sounds So Good? Maybe, Time Will Tell. Poster Marko Iris Qiaozhan

Fall 2014

Each student worked on an individual course project within the field of computer audition. This project turned out to be a great way for students to apply what they learned from the class on the problems that they are interested in. Students' course project reports and posters are posted below. Some of them are quite interesting!

Author Title Poster Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3
Bochen Li Improvement of An Online Music Alignment based on Onset Information Poster Mingfeng Emre Yuanzhong
Hanqing Wen Onset Detection for Piano Music Transcription based on Neural Networks Poster Mingfeng Bochen Yuanzhong
Mingfeng Zhang Parametric Analysis of Musical Vibrato in Voice and Instrument Performance Poster Emre Yichi Hanqing
Minhao Zhang A Real-time Karaoke Scoring System based on Pitch Detection Poster Yichi Bochen Hanqing
Sefik Emre Eskimez Feature Analysis for Music Genre Classification Task Poster Yuanzhong Hanqing Minhao
Yuanzhong Zheng Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System Poster Yichi Minhao Mingfeng

Fall 2013

The final project in this semester was writing a literature review by summerizing about 20 papers on a topic that the student was interested in. The reviews were supposed to not only summarize the main ideas of the papers, but also present the student's own opinion. The preliminary version of these reviews were commented by three peer students (and the instructor). The comments were addressed in the final version of the reviews, which were written in the ISMIR2013 paper template and are posted here. Some of the reviews are great!

Author Title Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer 3
Andrea Cogliati Melody Perception and Extraction from Audio Kedar Sarah Yi
Andrew Trahan Musical Instrument Recognition in Polytimbral Polyphonic Music Audio Signals Andrea Ishaan Luyang
Ishaan Rao Harmonic Single Channel Source Separation Kedar Andrew Luyang
Kedar Patki Review of Single Channel Source Separation Techniques Sarah Yi Andrea
Luyang Li A Survey of Content-based Music Similarity Yi Sarah Andrew
Sarah Smith Methods and Applications for Segmentation and Description of Musical Transients Luyang Ishaan Andrew
Yi Gao Multi-pitch Streaming: Based on Clustering Algorithms Kedar Ishaan Andrea