2014 News
Astronaut Sam Gemar to present undergrad scholarship
October 22, 2014
William Green, a junior mechanical engineering major at the University, has been awarded an scholarship from the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation. He has conducted research with UR Professor Stephen Burns on ways to create optical elements with a 3-D printer, and last year was the usability project team leader on the Baja SAE team, which creates and builds all-terrain vehicles each year. “William possesses a rare combination of academic excellence, experience in hands-on engineering, imagination in research, and a desire to contribute to the University community,” said John Lambropoulos, chair of mechanical engineering and materials science and director of the materials science program. The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation award encourages students to aid the United States in retaining world leadership in science and technology by providing scholarships for college students who exhibit motivation, imagination and exceptional performance in these fields.
Continue ReadingGrant supports Prof Ellis' work on novel laser interferometer
September 5, 2014
Jonathan Ellis, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of Optics, is co-PI on a recently-funded Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I grant from the National Science Foundation.
New faculty member Christopher Muir brings 'real world' experience
August 5, 2014
Confronted with an increase in undergraduate enrollment, and a desire by students to work with practicing engineers with “real world” experience, the Department of Mechanical Engineering didn’t have to look very far for help.
Solar Splash team perseveres at world championship
June 20, 2014
(During the first sprint heat, U of R got off the line quicker than World Champion Cedarville; narrowly missing a T-Bone collision as the Cedarville Boat lost control due to hitting U of R's wake.)
What do you do when your boat springs a leak 45 minutes before a competition?
Baja SAE team competes in Kansas
May 30, 2014
(The UR Baja SAE all-terrain vehicle in action at Pittsburg, Kansas.)
MechE athletes excel at varsity level
April 23, 2014
When the men's soccer team advanced to the Sweet 16 this school year, six Mechanical Engineering students were on the roster.
Continue ReadingRiccardo Betti named the inaugural Robert L. McCrory Professor
April 4, 2014
Riccardo Betti, professor of mechanical engineering and of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester, was named the inaugural Robert L. McCrory Professor at an installation ceremony on April 3. Endowed by an anonymous donor, the professorship honors Robert L. McCrory, who has been the director of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) for three decades.
Continue ReadingProf. Robert L. McCrory appointed University Professor for his many contributions
April 4, 2014
Robert L. McCrory was appointed University Professor in recognition of his contributions to the physics and engineering community, the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) and to the University in general, at an installation ceremony on April 3.
Continue ReadingColleagues pay tribute to Prof. James Li
March 10, 2014
Professor James C. M. Li, at right, receives the Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award from ASM International in 2007.
Koji Muto earns Kelly Future Engineers Scholarship with essay on hydrokinetic energy
February 14, 2014
The sun can be hidden behind clouds. Winds are erratic and unpredictable.
Hussein Aluie, expert in complex flows, to join department
February 3, 2014
The computation and analysis of complex flows may sound like a purely abstract exercise.
Senior John Cormack will present research at national conference
January 30, 2014
Senior John Cormack's abstract submission, "Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Parameter Study of the Mammalian Cochlea," has been accepted for presentation at the NCUR (National Council on Undergraduate Research) 2014 conference this April at the University of Kentucky. Chosen from more than 4,000 submissions, the abstract demonstrates a unique contribution to the field of study.
Prof. Ellis publishes book on displacement measuring interferometry
January 13, 2014
Displacement measuring interferometry is widely used in industry and academia.