Emeritus Prof. James Li awarded Gold Medal by ASM International

October 12, 2015

James C.M. Li, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and of Materials Science, has been awarded the Gold Medal of ASM International, the world’s largest association of metals-centric materials scientists and engineers.


Li is the 68th recipient of the award, which was established in 1943 to “recognize outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materials science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems.”

Li was selected for “his elucidation of the mechanical properties of materials through the application of thermodynamics and kinetics to the understanding of microstructural phenomena and for his mentoring of students and colleagues.” The award was presented Oct. 6 at the MS&T (Materials Science and Technology) Conference at Columbus Ohio.

"Micromechanics in Advanced Materials III: A Symposium in honor of James C.M. Li's 90th Birthday" was also held at the conference, including video remarks from President Joel Seligman.

A world-renowned researcher, Li found a way to produce metallic glass for the first time. He has made significant contributions to the understanding of how materials deform and become damaged under mechanical loading. He has published more than 540 archival papers on a wide spectrum of topics in materials science and engineering, according to ASM.

His many awards include the Champion Mathewson Gold Medal, the Robert F. Mehl Gold Medal, the Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal, the Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award and the Lu Tse-Hon Medal of the Chinese Society for Materials Science. He has been recognized as a Fellow of ASM, the American Physical Society and the Metallurgical Society, and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Read more about his career here