
Wendi Heinzelman
Email: wendi.heinzelman (at) rochester dot edu
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~wheinzel/

Cristiano Tapparello
Email: cristiano.tapparello (at) rochester dot edu
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~ctappare

Colin Funai
Email: colinfunai (at) rochester dot edu

Hoda Ayatollahi
Email: hayatoll (at) ece dot rochester dot edu
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~hayatoll/

Emre Eskimez
Email: eeskimez (at) ur dot rochester dot edu

Nadir Adam
Email: nadam (at) ur dot rochester dot edu

Utku Demir
Email: udemir (at) ur dot rochester dot edu
Ibrahim Akbar
Aaron Faulkenberry
Justin Fraumeni
Aaron Faulkenberry
Justin Fraumeni

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2015
Thesis: "Increasing Coverage and Improving Efficiency for RFID Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks "
Webpage: http://www.ece.rochester.edu/~lichen/

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2015
Thesis: "Algorithms for Affective and Ubiquitous Sensing Systems and for Protein Structure Prediction"
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~nayang/

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2015
Thesis: "Enabling Energy Efficient Sensing and Computing Systems"
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~ba/

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2014
Thesis: "Efficient Use of Resources in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"
Webpage: www.ece.rochester.edu/~karaoglu/MyPage/home.htm

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2013
Thesis: "Advertisement-Based Energy Efficient Medium Access Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks"
Current Position:
Post-doctoral Researcher, Computer Science Department, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2013
Thesis: "Stack Architectures and Protocols for Emerging Wireless Networks"
Current Position:
Research Scientist, Intel Corporation, San Jose, CA

Post Doc., University of Rochester, 2012
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI, USA

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2011
Thesis: "Cross-Layer Design and Optimization of Short Range Wireless Networks"
Current Position:
Senior System Engineer, Qualcomm, San Jose, CA

Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2011
Thesis: "Sleeping Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks"
Current Position:
Staff Engineer, MAC/Networking Design, Silicon Image, Sunnyvale, CA
Ilker Demirkol, Postdoc, University of Rochester, 2011
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Telematics Eng.
Univ. Politecnica de Catalunia
Wireless Networking Group
Barcelona, Spain
Current Position:
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Telematics Eng.
Univ. Politecnica de Catalunia
Wireless Networking Group
Barcelona, Spain
Tolga Numanoglu, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2009
Thesis: “Improving Reliability and Performance of Real-Time Communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Senior Specialist Design Engineer, Aselsan
Ankara, Turkey
Thesis: “Improving Reliability and Performance of Real-Time Communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Senior Specialist Design Engineer, Aselsan
Ankara, Turkey
Christophe Merlin, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2009
Thesis: “Adaptability in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Cross-Layer Protocols and Architectures”
Current Position:
Network Scientist, BBN Technologies
Boston, MA
Thesis: “Adaptability in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Cross-Layer Protocols and Architectures”
Current Position:
Network Scientist, BBN Technologies
Boston, MA
Stanislava Soro, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2008
Thesis: “Application-aware Resource Management in Wireless and Visual Sensor Networks”
Current Position:
Communications Researcher, GE Global Research Center,
Niskayuna, NY
Thesis: “Application-aware Resource Management in Wireless and Visual Sensor Networks”
Current Position:
Communications Researcher, GE Global Research Center,
Niskayuna, NY
Mark Perillo, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2008
Thesis: “Role Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy-Efficient Strategies and Algorithms”
Current Position:
Research Engineer, Syracuse Research Corporation
Syracuse, New York
Thesis: “Role Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy-Efficient Strategies and Algorithms”
Current Position:
Research Engineer, Syracuse Research Corporation
Syracuse, New York
Lei Chen, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2007
Thesis: “Protocols for Supporting Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Senior Software Engineer, Motorola
Schaumburg, IL
Thesis: “Protocols for Supporting Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Senior Software Engineer, Motorola
Schaumburg, IL
Zhao Cheng, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2006
Thesis: “Efficient Information Discovery and Retrieval in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
AVP, Barclays Capital
New York, NY
Thesis: “Efficient Information Discovery and Retrieval in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
AVP, Barclays Capital
New York, NY
Bulent Tavli, Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2005
Thesis: “Protocol Architectures for Real-Time Data Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department
TOBB Economy and Technology University, Turkey
Thesis: “Protocol Architectures for Real-Time Data Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Current Position:
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department
TOBB Economy and Technology University, Turkey
Weiyang Cai, M.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Thesis: “Analysis of Acoustic Feature Extraction Algorithms in Noisy Environments”
Thesis: “Analysis of Acoustic Feature Extraction Algorithms in Noisy Environments”
Zuochao Dou, M.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Thesis: “Benefits of Utilizing an Edge Server (Cloudlet) in the MOCHA Architecture”
Thesis: “Benefits of Utilizing an Edge Server (Cloudlet) in the MOCHA Architecture”
Yuqun Zhang, M.S., University of Rochester, 2010
Thesis: “Receiver-based Protocol Enhancements for Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks”
Thesis: “Receiver-based Protocol Enhancements for Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks”
Matthew Holland, M.S., University of Rochester, 2007
Thesis: “Optimizing Physical Layer Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks”
Thesis: “Optimizing Physical Layer Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks”
Colin Goldsmith, M.S., University of Rochester, 2004
Thesis: “Wireless Local Area Networking for Device Monitoring”
Thesis: “Wireless Local Area Networking for Device Monitoring”
Owen Zacharias, M.S., University of Rochester, 2004
Thesis: “Wireless Wide Area Networking for Device Monitoring”
Thesis: “Wireless Wide Area Networking for Device Monitoring”
Edward Woodrow, M.S., University of Rochester, 2002
Thesis: “Data-centric Routing for Ad Hoc Networks”
Thesis: “Data-centric Routing for Ad Hoc Networks”
Binyu Hu, M.S., University of Rochester
Fei Xu, M.S., University of Rochester
Xuchen Yang, M.S., University of Rochester
Jingwei Guo, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Wei Liu, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Michael Nolan, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Pak Lam (Jack) Yung, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Jianbo Yuan, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Dawei Zhou, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Yun Zhou, M.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Jeremy Warner, REU, Summer 2013 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2015)
Chelsea Vargas, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2013 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2016)
Thomas Horta, Visiting Undergraduate Student from Brazil
Mathew Hershfield, B.S., University of Rochester, 2015
Stephen Cool, B.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Jinnan Hussain, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
JoHannah Kohl, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Andrew Song, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Sara Lickers, B.S., University of Rochester (CS), 2013
Jeff Kabel, B.S., University of Rochester, 2012
Colin Funai, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2011 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2012)
Luis Soto, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2010 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2011)
Jeff Pravin, REU, Summer 2010 (B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2011)
Paul Molta, M.S., University of Rochester, 2010
Naoum Katsianis, M.S., University of Rochester, 2008
Sarah Rosenstein, REU, Summer 2007 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2009)
Jian (Johnny) Chen, Summer 2007 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2008)
Kyle Aures, REU, Summer 2007, Spring 2009 (B.S./M.S., University of Rochester, 2008/2009)
Steven Wik, REU, Summer 2007, Spring 2009 (B.S./M.S., University of Rochester, 2008/2009)
Ryan Aures, M.S., University of Rochester, 2007
Matjaz Kranz, M.S., University of Rochester, 2006
Michael Borden, M.S., University of Rochester, 2006
Chelsea Vargas, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2013 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2016)
Thomas Horta, Visiting Undergraduate Student from Brazil
Mathew Hershfield, B.S., University of Rochester, 2015
Stephen Cool, B.S., University of Rochester, 2014
Jinnan Hussain, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
JoHannah Kohl, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Andrew Song, B.S., University of Rochester, 2013
Sara Lickers, B.S., University of Rochester (CS), 2013
Jeff Kabel, B.S., University of Rochester, 2012
Colin Funai, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2011 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2012)
Luis Soto, Xerox Fellow, Summer 2010 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2011)
Jeff Pravin, REU, Summer 2010 (B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 2011)
Paul Molta, M.S., University of Rochester, 2010
Naoum Katsianis, M.S., University of Rochester, 2008
Sarah Rosenstein, REU, Summer 2007 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2009)
Jian (Johnny) Chen, Summer 2007 (B.S., University of Rochester, 2008)
Kyle Aures, REU, Summer 2007, Spring 2009 (B.S./M.S., University of Rochester, 2008/2009)
Steven Wik, REU, Summer 2007, Spring 2009 (B.S./M.S., University of Rochester, 2008/2009)
Ryan Aures, M.S., University of Rochester, 2007
Matjaz Kranz, M.S., University of Rochester, 2006
Michael Borden, M.S., University of Rochester, 2006