PhD Theses
PhD Theses
- Li Chen (Ph.D., 2015)
Increasing Coverage and Improving Efficiency for RFID Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks [PDF]
- Na Yang (Ph.D., 2015)
Algorithms for Affective and Ubiquitous Sensing Systems and for Protein Structure Prediction [PDF]
- He Ba (Ph.D., 2015)
Enabling Energy Efficient Sensing and Computing Systems [PDF]
- Bora Karaoglu (Ph.D., 2014)
Efficient Use of Resources in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
- Surjya Ray (Ph.D., 2013)
Advertisement-Based Energy Efficient Medium Access Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks [PDF]
- Chen-Hsiang Feng (Ph.D., 2013)
Stack Architectures and Protocols for Emerging Wireless Networks [PDF]
- Tianqi Wang (Ph.D., 2011)
Cross-Layer Design and Optimization of Short Range Wireless Networks [PDF]
- Ou Yang(Ph.D., 2011)
Sleeping Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks [PDF]
- Tolga Numanoglu (Ph.D., 2009)
Improving the Reliability and Performance of Real-Time Communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
- Christophe J. Merlin (Ph.D., 2009)
Adaptability in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Cross-Layer Protocols and Architectures [PDF]
- Stanislava Soro (Ph.D., 2007)
Application-Aware Resource Management in Wireless and Visual Sensor Networks [PDF]
- Mark Perillo (Ph.D., 2007)
Role Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy-Efficient Strategies and Algorithms [PDF]
- Lei Chen (Ph.D., 2006)
Protocols for Supporting Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
- Zhao Cheng (Ph.D., 2006)
Efficient Information Discovery and Retrieval in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
- Bulent Tavli (Ph.D., 2005)
Protocol Architectures for Energy Efficient Real-Time Data Communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
- Hervaldo Carvalho (Ph.D., 2005)
Data Fusion Implementation in Sensor Networks Applied to Health Monitoring
MS Theses
MS Theses
- Weiyang Cai (M.S., 2013)
Analysis of Acoustic Feature Extraction Algorithms in Noisy Environments [PDF] - Zuochao Dou (M.S., 2013)
Benefits of Utilizing an Edge Server (Cloudlet) in the MOCHA Architecture [PDF] - Yuqun Zhang (M.S., 2010)
Receiver-based Protocol Enhancements for Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks [PDF] - Matthew Holland (M.S., 2007)
Optimizing Physical Layer Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks [PDF] - Colin Goldsmith (M.S., 2004)
Wireless Local Area Networking for Device Monitoring [PDF] - Owen Zacharias (M.S., 2004)
Wireless Wide Area Networking for Device Monitoring [PDF] - Edward Woodrow (M.S., 2002)
Data-Centric Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks [PDF]
Journal Articles
- K. S. Adu-Manu, C. Tapparello, W. Heinzelman, F. A. Katsriku and J.-D. Abdulai, "Water Quality Monitoring Using WSNs: Current Trends and Future Research Directions," To appear in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2016. [PDF]
- N. Yang, J. Yuan, Y. Zhou, I. Dermikol, Z. Duan, W. Heinzelman and M. Sturge-Apple, "Enhanced Multiclass SVM with Thresholding Fusion for Speech-based Emotion Classification," International Journal of Speech Technology, October 2016.
- K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, S. De, K. Chowdhury and W. Heinzelman, "Low-cost Wake-up Receiver for RF Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, No. 16, August 2016.
- T. Soyata, L. Copeland and W. Heinzelman, "RF Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems: A Survey of Tradeoffs and Methodology," IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2016.
- L. Chen, W. Heinzelman, J. Warner, P. L. Yung, D. Zhou, I. Dermikol, U. Muncuk, K. Chowdhury and S. Basagni, "REACH2-Mote: A Range Extending Passive Wake-up Wireless Sensor Node," ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 11, No. 4, November 2015.
- B. Karaoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Cooperative Load Balancing and Dynamic Channel Allocation for CLuster-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 14, Issue 5, May 2015.
- D. Mishra, S. De, S. Jana, S. Basagni, K. Chowdhury and W. Heinzelman, "Smart RF Energy Harvesting Communications: Challenges and Opportunities," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 53, Issue 4, April 2015.
- N. Yang, H. Ba, W. Cai, I. Dermikol and W. Heinzelman, "BaNa: A Noise Resilient Fundamental Frequency Detection Algorithm for Speech and Music," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 22, Issue 12, pp. 1833-1848, December 2014.
- L. Chen, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, "Token-MAC: Supporting Fair Access in Passive RFID Systems," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1352-1365, June 2014. [PDF]
- H. Ba, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, "Passive Wake-up Radios: From Devices To Applications," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 11, Issue 8, pp. 2605-2621, November 2013. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "An Adaptive Sensor Sleeping Solution Based on Sleeping Multipath Routing and Duty-cycled MAC Protocols," accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.
- S. Ray, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "ATMA: MAC Protocol for Energy-efficient Support of Bursty Traffic," accepted for publication in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks.
- T. Wang, A. Seyedi, A. Vosoughi and W. Heinzelman, "Optimal Rate Allocation for Distributed Source Coding over Gaussian Multiple Access Channels," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 2002-2013, May 2013. [PDF]
- C.-H. Feng, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "UPS: Unified Protocol Stack for Emerging Wireless Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Special Issue on Cross-layer Design in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Vol. 11, pp. 687-700, 2013. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "Modeling and Performance Analysis for Duty-cycled MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2012. [PDF]
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman and A. Seyedi, "Link Energy Minimization for Wireless Sensor Networks," accepted for publication in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks. [PDF]
- R. Cheng, W. Heinzelman, M. Sturge-Apple, and Z. Ignjatovic, "A Motion-Tracking Ultrasonic Sensor Array for Behavioral Monitoring," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 707-712, March 2012. [PDF]
- C.-H. Feng, Y. Zhang, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "Stateless Multicast Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 240-253, Feb 2012. [PDF]
- M. Sturge-Apple, M. Skibo, F. Rogosch, Z. Ignjatovic, and W. Heinzelman, "The Impact of Allostatic Load on Maternal Sympathovagal Functioning in Stressful Child Contexts: Implications for Maladaptive Parenting," Development and Psychopathology, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 831-844, 2011.
- M. Holland, T. Wang, B. Tavli, A. Seyedi and W. Heinzelman, "Optimizing Physical Layer Parameters for Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 7, No. 4, Nov. 2011. [PDF]
- S. Ray, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "ADV-MAC: Analysis and Optimization of Energy Efficiency through Advertisements for Wireless Sensor Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 9, No. 5, July 2011, pp. 876-892. [PDF]
- B. Karaoglu, T. Numanoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Analytical Performance of Soft Clustering Protocols," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal Special Issue on Multimedia Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Vol. 9, No. 4, June 2011, pp. 635-651. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "Energy-efficient Real-time Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 707-722, May 2011. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Duty Cycle Control for Low-Power-Listening MAC Protocols," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 1508-1521, Nov. 2010. [PDF]
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman and A. Seyedi, "Link Energy Minimization in IR-UWB based Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 2800-2811, Sept. 2010. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Schedule Adaptation of Low-Power-Listening Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2010. [PDF]
- C. Merlin, C.-H. Feng and W. Heinzelman, "Information-sharing Architectures for Sensor Networks: the State of the Art," ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 26-38, Oct. 2009. [PDF]
- S. Soro and Wendi Heinzelman, "A Survey of Visual Sensor Networks," Advances in Multimedia, 2009. [PDF]
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "Closing the Gap in Sensor Network Lifetimes Through an Integrated Approach to Sensor Role Selection," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2009. [PDF]
- S. Soro and W. Heinzelman, "Cluster Head Election Techniques for Coverage Preservation in Wireless Sensor Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 2009. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Discovering Long Lifetime Routes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, July, 2008, pp. 661-674. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng, M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "General Network Lifetime and Cost Models for Evaluating Sensor Network Deployment Strategies," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2008. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "QoS and Energy Efficiency in Network Wide Broadcasting: A MAC Layer Perspective," Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 30, No. 18, December 2007. [PDF]
- L. Chen and W. Heinzelman, "A Survey of Routing Protocols that Support QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 6, November 2007. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Searching Strategies for Target Discovery in Wireless Networks," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, May 2007. [PDF]
- T. Numanoglu, B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "Energy Efficiency and Error Resilience in Coordinated and Non-coordinated MAC Protocols," Elsevier Computer Communications Journal Special Issue, Vol. 29, No. 17, November 2006. [PDF]
- G. Caner, G. Sharma, M. Tekalp and W. Heinzelman, "Local Image Registration by Adaptive Filtering," Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 10, October 2006. [ PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "Energy and Spatial Reuse Efficient Network Wide Real-Time Data Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol 5, No. 10, October 2006. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Adaptive Local Searching and Caching Strategies for On-demand Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks," Mobile and Wireless Networking of International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN), Vol 4, No. 1/2, 2006. [PDF]
- S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh and W. Heinzelman, "Collaborative Storage in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, 2005. [PDF]
- J. Deng, Y. Han, W. Heinzelman and P. Varshney, "Balanced-energy Sleep Scheduling in High Density Cluster-based Sensor Networks," Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 28, 2005, pp. 1631-1642. [PDF]
- J. Deng, Y. Han, W. Heinzelman and P. Varshney, "Scheduling Sleeping Nodes in High Density Cluster-based Sensor Networks," ACM/Kluwer MONET Special Issue on Energy Constraints and Lifetime Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 825-35, Dec. 2005. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Flooding Strategy for Target Discovery in Wireless Networks," ACM/Baltzer Wireless Networks, Vol. 11, No. 5, Sept. 2005. [PDF]
- L. Chen and W. Heinzelman, "QoS-aware Routing Based on Bandwidth Estimation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, Special Issue on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 23, No. 3, March 2005. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "MH-TRACE: Multi-Hop Time Reservation using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, Vol. 22, No. 5, June 2004, pp. 942-953 [PDF]
- W. Heinzelman, A. Murphy, H. Carvalho and M. Perillo, "Middleware to Support Sensor Network Applications," IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue, Jan. 2004. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "TRACE: Time Reservation using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, Vol. 21, No. 10, 2003. [PDF]
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "Sensor Management Policies to Provide Application QoS," Elsevier AdHoc Networks Journal, Special Issue on Sensor Network Applications and Protocols, Vol. 1, No. 2-3, 2003, pp. 235-246. [PostScript]
- E. Tan and W. Heinzelman, "DSP Architectures: Past, Present and Future,'' Computer Architecture News, Vol. 31, No. 3, June 2003, pp. 6-19. [PDF]
- S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh, and W. Heinzelman, "A Taxonomy of Wireless Micro-Sensor Network Models,'' ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Volume 6, Number 2, April 2002. [PDF]
Conference/Workshop Papers
Conference/Workshop Articles
- C. Funai, C. Tapparello, and W. Heinzelman, "Enabling Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks Through WiFi Direct Multi-group Networking," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Silicon Valley, CA, USA. January 26-29, 2017.
- C. Funai, C. Tapparello, and W. Heinzelman, "Mobile to Mobile Computational Offloading in Multi-hop Cooperative Networks," Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., USA. December 4-8, 2016.
- M. N. Wijesundara, C. Tapparello, A. Gamage, Y. Gokulan, L. Gittelson, T. Howard and W. Heinzelman, "Design of a Kinetic Energy Harvester for Elephant Mounted Wireless Sensor Nodes," Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington D.C., USA. December 4-8, 2016.
- E. Eskimez, M. Sturge-Apple, Z. Duan and W. Heinzelman, "WISE: Web-based Interactive Speech Emotion Classification," Proceedings of IJCAI-16 4th Workshop on Sentiment Analysis where AI meets Psychology (SAAIP 2016), New York City, USA. July 2016.
- C. Tapparello, W. Heinzelman, K. Conn, C. A. Mullen, "ManageMyCondition: A Standard Framework for the Development of Cloud-based Medical Condition Management Applications," Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Connected Health (CCH), Washington D.C., USA. June 27-29, 2016.
- E. Eskimez, K. Imade, N. Yang, M. Sturge-Apple, Z. Duan and W. Heinzelman, "Emotion Classification: How Does an Automated System Compare to Naive Human Coders?," Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP 2016, Shanghai, China. March 2016.
- H. Ayatollahi, C. Tapparello, and W. Heinzelman, "Transmitter-Receiver Energy Efficiency: A Trade-off in MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, USA. March 9-12, 2015.
- C. Funai, C. Tapparello, H. Ba, B. Karaoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Extending Volunteer Computing through Mobile Ad Hoc Networking," Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA. December 8-12, 2014.
- C. Tapparello, H. Ayatollahi and W. Heinzelman, "Energy Harvesting Framework for Network Simulator 3 (ns-3)," Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Energy Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys), Memphis, TN, USA. November 6, 2014.
- M. Yousof Naderi, K. R. Chowdhury, S. Basagni, W. Heinzelman, S. De, and S. Jana, "Experimental Study of Concurrent Data and Wireless Energy Transfer for Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the SECON 2014 Workshop on Energy Harvesting, June-July 2014.
- M. Kwon, Z. Dou, W. Heinzelman, T. Soyata, H. Ba, and J. Shi, "Use of Network Latency Profiling and Redundancy for Cloud Server Selection,” Proceedings of IEEE CLOUD, June-July 2014.
- C. Tapparello, H. Ayatollahi and W. Heinzelman, "Extending the Energy Framework for Network Simulator 3 (ns-3)," Workshop on ns-3 Poster Session, May 2014.
- N. Yang, J. Yuan, Y. Zhou, I. Demirkol, W. Heinzelman and M. Sturge-Apple, "How Does Noise Impact Speech-based Emotion Classification?" Proceedings of the Designing Speech and Language Interactions Workshop, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2014.
- K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, S. De, S. Basagni, W. Heinzelman, K. Chowdhury, and S. Jana, "Experimental Demonstration of Multi-Hop RF Energy Transfer," Proceedings of the IEEE PIMRC 2013, September 2013.
- L. Chen, S. Cool, H. Ba, W. Heinzelman, I. Demirkol, U. Muncuk, K. Chowdhury, and S. Basagni, "Range Extension of Passive Wake-up Radio Systems through Energy Harvesting," Proceedings of ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013. [Best Paper Award][PDF]
- H. Ba, W. Heinzelman, C.-A. Janssen and J. Shi, "Mobile Computing - A Green Computing Resource" Proceedings of WCNC 2013, Shanghai, China, April 2013. [PDF]
- L. Chen, H. Ba, W. Heinzelman and A. Cote, "RFID Range Extension with Low-power Wireless Edge Devices," Proceedings of IEEE ICNC 2013, San Diego, USA, January 2013.
- N. Yang, R. Muraleedharan, J. Kohl, I. Demirkol, W. Heinzelman, and M. Sturge-Apple, "Speech-based Emotion Classification Using Multiclass SVM with Hybrid Kernel and Thresholding Fusion," Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, Florida, December 2012. [PDF]
- J. Oller, I. Demirkol, J. Paradells, J. Casademont and W. Heinzelman, "Time-Knocking: A Novel Addressing Mechanism for Wake-up Receivers," Proc. 8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2012), Barcelona, Spain, October 9-10, 2012.
- N. Yang, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "Cross-layer Energy Optimization Under Image Quality Constraints for Wireless Image Transmissions," Proceedings of the 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IEEE IWCMC 2012), Aug. 2012.
- He Ba, Na Yang, Ilker Demirkol and Wendi Heinzelman, " BaNa: A Hybrid Approach for Noise Resilient Pitch Detection ," 2012 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP 2012) , Michigan, USA, Aug. 2012. [PDF]
- T. Soyata, R. Muraleedharan, C. Funai, M. Kwon and W. B. Heinzelman, " Cloud-Vision: Real-Time Face Recognition Using a Mobile-Cloudlet-Cloud Acceleration Architecture ," 17th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2012) , July 2012, Capadoccia, Turkey.
- T. Soyata, R. Muraleedharan, S. Ames, J. H. Langdon, C. Funai, M. Kwon and W. B. Heinzelman, " COMBAT: mobile-Cloud-based cOmpute/coMmunications infrastructure for BATtlefield applications ," SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2009. Modeling and Simulation for Defense Systems and Applications VII, SPIE, vol. 8403-20, April 2012, Baltimore, MD.
- N. Yang, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, "Motion Sensor and Camera Placement Design for In-home Wireless Video Monitoring Systems," Proceedings of GlobeCom 2011, Dec. 2011.
- L. Chen, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, "Token-MAC: A Fair MAC Protocol for Passive RFID Systems," Proceedings of GlobeCom 2011, Dec. 2011.
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "Sleeping Multipath Routing: A Trade-off Between Reliability and Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of GlobeCom 2011, Dec. 2011.
- B. Karaoglu, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, "Exploring the Benefits of Symbiotic Routing," Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks (WiMAN 2011), Aug. 2011.
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman, A. Seyedi and A. Vosoughi, "Sample Rate Maximization with Distributed Source Coding over Multiple Access Channels," accepted for publication in Proceedings ICC 2011. [PDF]
- S. Ray, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "ATMA: Advertisement-based TDMA Protocol for Bursty Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "Modeling and Throughput Analysis for X-MAC with a Finite Queue Capacity," Proceedings GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman and A. Seyedi, "Maximization of Data Gathering in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- H. Ba, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "Feasibility and Benefits of Passive RFID Wake-up Radio for Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- B. Karaoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Multicasting vs. Broadcasting: What are the Trade-offs?," Proceedings GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- Y. Zhang, C.-H. Feng, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, "Energy-Efficient Duty Cycle Assignment for Receiver-Based Convergecast in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of GlobeCom 2010. [PDF]
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman, A. Seyedi and A. Vosoughi, "Maximizing the Lifetime of Clusters with Slepian-Wolf Coding," Proceedings of ICASSP 2010. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "Modeling and Throughput Analysis for SMAC with a Finite Queue Capacity," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2009). [PDF]
- Tianqi Wang, Wendi Heinzelman, Alireza Seyedi, and Azadeh Vosoughi, " Maximizing the Lifetime of Clusters with Slepian-Wolf Coding ," 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , March 2010. [PDF]
- Surjya Ray, Ilker Demirkol and Wendi Heinzelman, " ADV-MAC: Advertisement-based MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks ," Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor networks (MSN 2009) , December 2009. [PDF]
- Ou Yang and Wendi Heinzelman " Modeling and Throughput Analysis for SMAC with a Finite Queue Capacity ," The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 2009) , December 2009. [PDF]
- Tianqi Wang, Alireza Seyedi and W. Heinzelman, "Minimizing Energy Consumption in IR-UWB Based Wireless Sensor Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '09), June 2009. [PDF]
- Bora Karaoglu, Tolga Numanoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Adaptation of TDMA Parameters Based on Network Conditions ," IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC '09), April 2009. [PDF]
- Tolga Numanoglu and Wendi Heinzelman, " Improving QoS in Multicasting Through Adaptive Redundancy ," IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC '09), April 2009. [PDF]
- Chen-Hsiang Feng and W. Heinzelman, "RBMulticast: Receiver Based Multicast for Wireless Sensor Networks ," IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC '09), April 2009. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "A Better Choice for Sensor Sleeping," 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN '09), February 2009. [PDF]
- O. Yang and W. Heinzelman, "Sensor Selection Cost Function to Increase Network Lifetime with QoS Support," 11-th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM '08), October 2008. [PDF]
- T. Wang, W. Heinzelman and A. Seyedi, "Minimization of Transceiver Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks with AWGN Channels," Proceedings of Allerton 2008, September 2008. [PDF]
- T. Numanoglu and W. Heinzelman, "Improving QoS Under Lossy Channels Through Adaptive Redundancy," IEEE Conference on Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Sept. 2008. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Duty Cycle Control for Low-Power-Listening MAC Protocols," IEEE Conference on Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Sept. 2008. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Node Synchronization for Minimizing Delay and Energy Consumption in Low-Power-Listening MAC Protocols," IEEE Conference on Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Sept. 2008. [PDF]
- S. Soro and W. Heinzelman, "Camera Selection in Visual Sensor Networks," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS 2007), Sept. 2007. [PDF]
- C. Yu, S. Soro, G. Sharma and W. Heinzelman, "Lifetime-Distortion Trade-off in Image Sensor Networks," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007), Sept. 2007. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Network-aware Adaptation of MAC Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks," DCOSS 2007 Poster Session, June 2007. [PDF]
- O. Yang, C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "A General Cost Function to Reflect Sensor Support for Application QoS," DCOSS 2007 Poster Session, June 2007. [PDF]
- T. Numanoglu, B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "Broadcast Multi-rate Support for MANETs," IFIP Networking 2007, May 2007. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "A First Look at a Cross-Layer Facilitating Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE SECON 2006 Poster Session, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
- M. Holland, R. Aures and W. Heinzelman, "Experimental Investigation of Radio Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE SECON 2006 Poster Session, Sept. 2006. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "Use of a Sensor Network Middleware for Managing a Cross-Layer Architecture," Euro-American Workshop on Middleware for Sensor Networks, (with DCOSS '06), June, 2006. [PDF]
- M. Perillo, Z. Cheng and W. Heinzleman, "An Analysis of Strategies for Mitigating the Sensor Network Hot Spot Problem," Proc. of CollaborateCom, Dec., 2005. [PDF]
- C. Merlin and W. Heinzelman, "A Study of Safety Applications in Vehicular Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless and Mobile Networks 2005, November 2005. [PDF]
- S. Soro and W. Heinzelman, "On the Coverage Problem in Video-based Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Broadband Advanced Sensor Networks (BaseNets '05), October 2005. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "MC-TRACE: Multicasting Through Time Reservation Using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," Proceedings of IEEE Milcom '05, October 2005. [PDF]
- T. Numanoglu, B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "An Analysis of Coordinated and Non-Coordinated Medium Access Control Protocols under Channel Noise," Proceedings of IEEE Milcom '05, October 2005. [PDF]
- T. Numanoglu, B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "The Effects of Channel Errors on Coordinated and Non-Coordinated Medium Access Control Protocols," IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob '05), August 2005. [PDF]
- M. Perillo, Z. Cheng and W. Heinzleman, "An Analysis of Strategies for Mitigating the Sensor Network Hot Spot Problem," The Second International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (Mobiquitous '05), July, 2005. [PDF]
- S. Soro and W. Heinzelman, "Prolonging the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks via Unequal Clustering," Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (IEEE WMAN '05), April 2005. [PDF]
- G. Caner, M. Tekalp, G. Sharma and W. Heinzelman, "An Adaptive Filtering Framework for Image Registration," Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP '05, March 2005. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "NB-TRACE: Network-wide Broadcasting through Time Reservations Using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC '05), March 2005. [PDF]
- M. Perillo, Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "On the Problem of Unbalanced Load Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, November 2004. [PDF]
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "PN-TRACE: Plain Network-Wide Broadcasting Through Time Reservations Using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," Proceedings of IEEE Milcom '04, October 2004. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Exploring Long Lifetime Routing in Ad Hoc Networks," Seventh ACM International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM '04), October 2004. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Adaptive Local Searching and Caching Strategies for On-Demand Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks," Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networking (MWN '04), August 2004. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Searching Strategy for Multi-Target Discovery in Wireless Networks," 4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN '04), August 2004. [PDF]
- J. Deng, S. Han, W. Heinzelman and P. Varshney, "Balanced-energy Sleep Scheduling Scheme for High Density Cluster-based Sensor Networks," 4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN '04), August 2004. [PDF]
- L. Chen and W. Heinzelman, "Network Architecture to Support QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME '04), June 2004. [PDF]
- M. Perillo, Z. Ignjatovic and W. Heinzelman,
"An Energy Conservation Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Employing a
Blue Noise Spatial Sampling Technique,"
Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04),
April 2004.
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman,
"DAPR: A Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Utilizing an
Application-based Routing Cost,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC '04),
March 2004.
- S. Tilak, A. Murphy and W. Heinzelman,
"Non-Uniform Information Dissemination for Sensor Networks,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP
Nov. 2003.
- L. Chen and W. Heinzelman,
"End-to-End Congestion Control for Best-Effort Transmission,"
Proceedings of the WNCG Wireless Networking Symposium,
Oct. 2003.
- B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, "MH-TRACE: Multi-Hop Time Reservation Using Adaptive Control for Energy Efficiency," Proceedings of Milcom 2003, Oct. 2003. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng and W. Heinzelman, "Flooding Strategy for Target Discovery in Wireless Networks," Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2003), Sept. 2003. [PDF]
- H. Carvalho, W. Heinzelman, A. Murphy and C. Coelho, "A General Data Fusion Architecture," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 2003), July 2003. [PDF]
- H. Carvalho, A. Murphy, W. Heinzelman, and C. Coelho, "Network-Based Distributed Systems Middleware," Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc Computing, June 2003. [PDF]
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "Providing Application QoS Through Intelligent Sensor Management," Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA '03), May 2003. [PDF]
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "Optimal Sensor Management Under Energy and Reliability Constraints," Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC '03), March 2003. [PostScript]
- M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, "ASP: An Adaptive Energy-Efficient Polling Algorithm for Bluetooth Piconets,'' Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '03), January 2003. [PDF]
- S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh and W. Heinzelman, "Infrastructure Tradeoffs for Sensor Networks,'' ACM 1st International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA '02), Sept. 2002. [PostScript]
- E. Woodrow and W. Heinzelman, "SPIN-IT: A Data Centric Routing Protocol for Image Retrieval in Wireless Networks,'' Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '02), Sept. 2002. [PDF]
- Z. Cheng, M. Perillo, B. Tavli, W. Heinzelman, S. Tilak, and N. Abu-Ghazaleh, "Protocols for Local Data Delivery in Wireless Microsensor Networks,'' 45th IEEE Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS '02), Tulsa, OK, Aug. 2002. [PDF]
Books & Book Chapters
- "Volunteer Computing on Mobile Devices: State of the Art and Future Research Directions" by C. Tapparello, C. Funai, S. Hijazi, A. Aquino, B. Karaoglu, H. Ba, J. Shi, and W. Heinzelman. In Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies, IGI Global, 2015.
- "Energy Efficient Real-time Distribtued Communication Architectures for Military Tactical Communication Systems" B. Karaoglu, T. Numanoglu, B. Tavli, and W. Heinzelman. In Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies, IGI Global, 2015.
- "Accelerating Mobile-Cloud Computing : A Survey" by T. Soyata, H. Ba, W. Heinzelman, M. Kwon, and Jiye Shi. Appears in Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing: Design and Applications, IGI Global, 2013.
- "Sleeping Techniques for Reducing Energy Dissipation" by R. Muraleedharan, H. Ba, S. Ray, O. Yang, I. Demirkol and W. Heinzelman, Appears in The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, Springer Publishers, 2013.
- "Passive RFID-based Wake-up Radios for Wireless Sensor Network" by H. Ba, J. Parvin, L. Soto, I. Demirkol, and W. Heinzelman, Appears in Wirelessly powered sensor networks and computational RFID, Springer Publishers, 2013.
- "Resource Management Policies for Wireless and Visual Sensor Networks" by S. Soro and W. Heinzelman, VDM Publishing House, 2008.
- "Protocols for Supporting QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" by L. Chen and W. Heinzelman, VDM Publishing House, 2008.
- "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Data Communications" by B. Tavli and W. Heinzelman, Springer Publishers, 2006.
- "Storage Management in Wireless Sensor Networks,'' by S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh and W. Heinzelman, Appears in Mobile, Wireless and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications and Future Directions, Wiley Publishers, 2005.
- "Wireless Sensor Network Protocols," by M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, Appears in Fundamental Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Networks, CRC Hall, 2005.
- "Data- and Event-Centric Communication,'' by W. Heinzelman, A. Murphy and M. Perillo, Appears in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective, Artech House, 2005.
- "Sensor Management,'' by M. Perillo and W. Heinzelman, Appears in Wireless Sensor Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
- "Future Directions in Energy Efficient Computing,'' by A. Chandrakasan, R. Amirtharajah, A. Dancy, J. Goodman, W. Rabiner and T. Xanthopoulos, Appears in Low-Power, High-Speed ULSI Circuits and Technology, Realize Inc., Japan, 1998.