
Statement of support for an inclusive community

We are strongly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our group welcomes everyone and values every member for their individuality. We especially encourage women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQXIA+ community to inquire and apply for positions. Prof. Sefkow has been trained into the Allies Program managed by the Women in Plasma Physics (WIPP) group of the American Physical Society (APS). We are 100% committed to a community standard of inclusion, safety, and mutual respect, with particular focus on underrepresented populations in the physical sciences and engineering.

Postdoctoral positions

Earning your PhD soon and looking to join a group with lots of exciting opportunities? 

Please provide a CV and 2-page statement about your background and interests.

Graduate student openings

We are currently considering new students at both the Master's and PhD level.

Please provide a CV and 2-page statement of your interests.

Undergraduate research experiences

We have positions available for undergraduate research experiences, both in the summer (full-time) and during the academic year (part-time).

Please provide a CV and 1-page statement of your interests.

High school juniors

Interested in writing code to help solve challenging problems for real world applications?

Consider applying to the High School Program at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, and mention your interest in our group.

Internal and external collaborators

We are always looking for interested scientists to work on our projects with us!