Two BME teams tie for 2nd place at Forbes Competition
2nd place (tie): Samuel Perakis and Marlen Mahendraratnam of Scoliosis Brace Compliance with Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship Dr. Duncan Moore and judge Ann Forbes.

2nd place (tie): Syed Reefat Aziz and Rose Mbaye of AnesthEZ with Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship Dr. Duncan Moore and judge Ann Forbes.
Two groups of BME seniors tied for second place in the Charles and Janet Entrepreneurial Competition this year.
Scoliosis Brace Compliance, which consists of Samuel Perakis and Marlen Mahendraratnam, aims to increase patient compliance for adolescents with scoliosis and thereby bracing efficacy by addressing patient concerns with current braces and bracing techniques.
AnesthEz is comprised of Syed Reefat Aziz and Rose Mbaye and seeks to improve the efficiency of nerve block procedures through a foot controlled syringe pump.
The Forbes Entrepreneurial Award was established in 1989 to encourage undergraduate engineering students to consider the commercial potential of topics or processes they are studying. Accordingly, the students augment their academic design projects with a business plan, including the initial organizational, financial, marketing, and production aspects of a company based on their design results. Charles Forbes was motivated by his belief that engineers, with an appreciation of the business aspects of new ventures, can contribute significantly to a much needed increase in manufacturing and production-oriented industry in the United States.