Fees and Services

Instrument Usage Fees

The fees noted are per person per hour.

Andor Dragonfly Spinning Disk Confocal:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - $47
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - $97

Nikon Epifluorescence:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - $11
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - $61

Lumicks C-trap Optical Tweezers:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - $25
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - $12.50
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - $25

Etaluma LS8501:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - N/A
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - N/A

FIRE Custom Lightsheet1:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - N/A
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - N/A

Zeiss LSM980 with Airyscan 21:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - N/A
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - N/A

Image Analysis Workstation:

  • Internal user (Basic rate) - $7
  • Internal user (Developmental rate2) - N/A
  • Internal user + scientist (Assisted and training sessions3) - $32

1Etaluma LS850, Zeiss LSM980, and FIRE lightsheet fees will be implemented during FY2025.

2Developmental Rate can be negotiated with HCIC manager for users who are troubleshooting a new protocol or assisting HCIC staff in developing set protocols for the Lumicks C-trap. Contact HCIC manager Lindsay (lindsay.rathbun@rochester.edu) for inquiries on C-trap rates.

3Assisted and Training sessions include a $50 per person/per hour scientist fee ($25 for image analysis training/assistance).