Student News
Grand Challenges Scholar Spotlight: Hesham Elshafey '25

As a reminder, the Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) will host an info session from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 27 in the iZone. Emma Derisi, director of GCSP, will do a brief presentation on the program, and three current GCSP students will discuss their projects. One of those students is Hesham Elshafey ’25, an electrical and computer engineering student whose project seeks to engineer the tools for scientific discovery.
As the MATE ROV project leader in the UR Robotics Club, Hesham is developing an unmanned submarine equipped with multiple sensory and motional modules. The submarine is designed to perform underwater tasks ranging from exploration to active search and rescue missions with a fraction of resources and risks compared with manned vehicles. Hesham and his team will compete with teams from all over the globe in the MATE ROV world championship this year. Good luck Hesham and team!