Cutting Edge Collaborative Research in ECE

February 15, 2016

Here's a great example of the cutting edge research being conducted in Electrical and Computer Engineering

ADAMM — the Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring and Management — which was developed as a result of a collaboration between Mark Bocko, Chair and Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Hyekyun Rhee, Associate Professor of Nursing. The lightweight, wearable iOS device, which records data vital to asthma management, was recognized for innovation at the Wearable Technologies annual conference last month. ADAMM was named the best innovation in the Healthcare and Wellness category, and the device's maker, Health Care Originals, Inc., was named Innovator of the Year for 2016. Congratulations to Mark, who also credits UR Ventures and its director, Scott Catlin, for helping move this exciting technology from the lab to a marketable product.

~Hajim Weekly Memo 2/15/2016