ECE student, Yujin Nakamoto, awarded Robert L. Wells Prize

ECE's Yujin Nakamoto is one of three outstanding students announced as this year’s recipients of the Robert L. Wells Prize, awarded to Hajim School students who also excel in the humanities.
Seniors Sophia Guarnieri of biomedical engineering; Yujin Nakamoto of electrical and computer engineering and math; and Jiayin Zhang of mechanical engineering, also pursuing a minor in physics, Sophia, for example, is also completing a minor in Spanish, Yujin is also majoring in classical Greek, and Jiayin is also completing a minor in art history. Winners are chosen based on highest GPAs at the end of their junior year.
All three students have taken full advantage of our University’s open curriculum and status as a top research institution. They are not only pursuing rigorous engineering degrees but gaining hands-on lab experience doing cutting-edge research. I congratulate them for also putting a priority on the humanities, which helps them become better-rounded engineers. Well done, Sophia, Yujin, and Jiayin! Read more about their achievements here.
Congratulations Yujin!