Roman Sobolewski

Roman Sobolewski

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Physics

Senior Scientist in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics

PhD, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1983

Office Location
425 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-1551

Short Biography

Professor Sobolewski has over 30 years of experience in applied superconductivity, condensed matter physics, and ultrafast electronics and opto-electronics. He has also an extensive knowledge of femtosecond lasers, electro-optic and magneto-optic materials, and quantum electronics. His current research interests include: ultrafast quantum phenomena, Nanoscience, including ballistic transport in semiconductors and magnetic nanostructures, information technology, and single-photon detection and counting for telecom optical communications, and quantum cryptography. He also works on femtosecond, time-resolved optical properties of materials, terahertz spectroscopy and imaging, and characterization of novel solid-state devices, and on the physics of high-temperature superconductivity.