Living our Meliora Values
At the Institute of Optics, we strive to ensure every individual is respected and valued for the contributions they bring to our academic mission.
Our Mission
Fostering supportive, interactive, and vibrant communities to deliver the best educational experience for our students while simultaneously optimizing opportunity for engineering advances and scientific discovery takes committment. Such a community requires continuous, concerted effort on three dimensions: diversity, equity, and inclusion.
With respect to diversity, we seek to attract interested individuals to join us irrespective of their race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, language, culture, religion, physical and learning ability, and/or political orientation. Bringing together people from diverse backgrounds brings diverse perspectives, creating the most fertile ground for nurturing new ideas and thereby enriching both education and research for all of us. But expanding our diverse community is by itself not enough.
We also seek to ensure equity for everyone who wishes to participate. We strive to ensure that everyone is treated in a fair and just way, whether it be in the classroom, in the laboratory, or in our social encounters.
Finally, even a community that is both diverse and discrimination-free also needs a third ingredient, inclusion. So, we also seek to create and maintain a culture in which everyone, whether they are an undergraduate, a graduate student, a postdoctoral fellow, a staff member, or faculty, is secure in the understanding that they are welcome participants in our shared endeavors.
Institute Recruiting with an Eye on Excellence
Building a diverse community requires an intentional, thoughtful approach. These are some of the ways we are creating new pathways to diversify the Institute of Optics at all levels:
- Conduct recruitment visits at local high schools and present Stroud Awards to accomplished STEM students within the Rochester City School District (RCSD).
- Invite local community high schools to visit campus and lab spaces.
- Participate in “The LLE Broad Exposure to Science and Technology (BEST) Research Program” for high school students and teachers at East High, part of the Rochester City School District (RCSD).
- Support local organizations like the Young Women’s College Prep Charter School which leads to networking opportunities with local high school students.
- The Institute provides financial support community members to participate in conferences sponsored by professional societies including the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), and Hispanics Inspiring Students’ Performance and Achievement (HISPA).
- Attend recruitment events at historically black colleges and universities.
- Faculty members travel the globe to give talks and establish relationships with top institutions. These trips often lead to institutional collaborations in the form of joint program memorandums of understanding (MOU). MOU terms include tuition and admissions benefits for students looking to transfer between programs. Current MOUs exist with: University of Ottawa, MCC 2+2 program, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Waive the graduate application fee for qualified student candidates upon request.
- Faculty search committee members are required to complete DEI training.
- Open positions are advertised with leading professional societies including HSPA, NSBE, Optica, SPIE, etc.
- All staff are required to complete DEI and HR training annually.
- Candidates are interviewed by all job relevant Institute staff collectively.
- Several staff members are certified through the University’s LGBTQ+ Safe Space Program.
- Background checks are part of the vetting process.
Institute Features that
Promote Equity and Inclusion
Program Choice
Having both an in-person and online master’s program promotes education accessibility to nontraditional learners. We also offer summer short courses designed for remote learners annually.
Networking and Recruitment
The Industrial Associates program connects our students with industry professionals from 60+ companies annually. Networking and recruitment opportunities are a high priority during the twice-annual IA symposium. Students are encouraged to use these events, including the “Women in Optics” networking event, to meet potential employers.
Student Groups
Partner with and support the student chapters of Optica and SPIE. These student groups have a focused initiative on DEI in our community.