Biomedical Optics

biomedical opticsBiomedical optics focuses on the design and application of advanced optical techniques to solve pressing problems in medicine and biology.

Using techniques such as Multiphoton Laser-Scanning Microscopy, Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, Raman spectroscopy, near-field optics, and adaptive optics, we are probing tumor pathology, diffusion of cell surface receptors, single molecule spectroscopy, and the limits of human vision.

This work is enhanced by the collaborative opportunities of sharing Robert B. Goergen Hall with the Institute of Optics. The Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester has been educating the next generation of leaders in the field since its founding in 1929 as the first optics department in the country, and approximately half of all optics degrees awarded nationwide have been awarded by the Institute of Optics.

Biometric optics is truly a university-wide collaboration occuring between many departments, centers and researchers. The University of Rochester community is using advanced optical techniques as diverse as multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, diffuse optical tomography, and near-field optics to solve pressing problems in medicine and technology. Learn more.

Example Research Projects

biomedicaloptics1biomedicaloptics2biomedicaloptics3biomedicaloptics4raman and angular-scattering microscopysecond harmonic generation in tumorsbiomedicaloptics5
customized vision correctiondiffuse optical techniquesin vivo multiphotonlight scattering by single immune cellsnear-infraredraman spectroscopy of oral bacteriaarrayed imaging reflectometry
silver nanoparticle surfaces

Current Researchers

Timothy Baran, PhDDiffuse optics, photodynamic therapy, and medical image processing
Andrew J. Berger, PhDBiomedical optics, specifically spectroscopic diagnostic techniques
Edward Brown III, PhDMultiphoton laser scanning microscopy, novel in vivo imaging and measurement techniques, tumor biology, angiogenesis
Regine Choe, PhDDiffuse optics for in vivo cancer detection, diagnosis and therapy monitoring
Michael Giacomelli, PhDMultiphoton microscopy, surgical imaging, digital pathology, fluorescencelifetime imaging, 3D and molecular imaging
Susana Marcos, PhDOcular Imaging, Corneal Biomechanics, Ocular implants, Opto-mechanical modeling in the eye, Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract, Adaptive Optics, Visual Simulation, Diagnostic technologies in ophthalmology
Mohammad Mehrmohammadi, PhDDevelop novel, hybrid, and ultrasound-based diagnostic methods, and define the clinical utility of the developed technologies as it applies to detection, diagnosis, and therapy of various pathologies.
Duncan T. Moore, PhDDesign of endoscopic instruments for the visible and the infrared; optical metrology
Jannick Rolland, PhDOptical instrumentation, system engineering, optical coherence tomography
David R. Williams, PhDVision science, advanced ophthalmic technologies
Yeh, Shu-ChiIntravital imaging-based approaches for direct visualization, quantification, and molecular profiling of the local regulatory machineries that harbor the skeletal, hematopoietic, and malignant stem cells
James Zavislan, PhDModeling and measuring the coherence properties of returned light through biomedical imaging, material science, remote sensing