Resources and Forms
The Undergraduate BME Curriculum Guide
is a detailed handbook outlining required classes, credit hours, etc. For an in-depth look at BME requirements, please refer to the the most recent version.
Forms and Guidelines
BME Department Forms
- Undergraduate BME Curriculum Guide Handbook: 2024 September (current)
- (Past Versions: 2023 September, 2022 September, 2021 September, 2020 September, 2019 September) - BME Undergraduate Curriculum Diagram (A visual diagram outlining course sequences throughout the four years of study.)
- BME Curriculum Planning Form (Excel File)
- BME Petition for Curriculum Committee Custom Concentration (Word Doc)
- BME Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Petition Form
- Independent Study Guidelines (BME) /Independent Study Form
UR Registrar Forms
- Course Forms
- General Academic Forms
- Transcript Request
- Enrollment verification
- Current students
- Current students (within first four weeks of classes)
- Alumni
- Enrollment Verification (pdf)
Other Policies, Guidelines, and Resources
Academic Policies and Handbooks
Links to important information for undergraduate students regarding academic and university policies.
Academic Honesty Policy
Undergraduate education at Rochester builds on the principle that excellence requires freedom. Honesty and integrity are prerequisites of this freedom. Academic honesty in the advancement of knowledge requires that all students and instructors respect the integrity of one another's work and recognize the importance of acknowledging and safeguarding intellectual property.
Academic Opportunities / Special Programs
Options beyond traditional course work—opportunities that allow our students to explore their individual interests even further. (Take5, KEY, ROTC, McNair, Urban Fellows, and more)
College Center for Advising Services (CCAS)
- Academic Support and Advisement - The College Center for Advising Services is the single best place for undergraduates to go with any academic related question or concern.
- CARE Network - online referral system available to faculty, staff, students, and parents who are concerned about a University of Rochester student.
- Double Majors
- Major/Minor Declaration Process / Major/Minor Declaration Form
- Overlap Policies
- Transfer Credit / Course Approval Form
- MCC Master List - A master list of Monroe Community College courses which are transferable to the University of Rochester.
- Undergraduate Academic Policies and Advising Handbook
- Academic Calendar - Dates correspond to the current and upcoming academic year.
- Course Offerings for the Current Academic Year - A searchable site offering course descriptions and current schedules.
- Registrars Office
- Registration and Courses - The Registrar provides students with access to their academic records, enrollment and degree verifications, academic calendars and exam schedules along with other important student data.
- UR Student / Workday
All matriculated students with excellent academic records should consider applying for a competitive fellowship or scholarship.
The Greene Center / Career Outcomes
Learning Center
The Learning Center offers course-specific study groups and workshops, individual study skills counseling, study skills workshops and a study skills course, and disability support.
More than 3.5 million volumes and extensive collections of online databases, electronic journals, rare books, and musical scores.
Student Life
Links to information about life on campus and student services.