Medical Imaging

medical imaging Medical imaging is one of the longest standing biomedical engineering fields at the University of Rochester.

Medical imaging covers a broad scope of hardware and software development. Medical imaging research involves many different imaging modalities, and ranges from basic science to clinical applications.

Students work on highly interdisciplinary projects involving clinicians, radiologists, imaging scientists, physicists, computer scientists, and radiation oncologists. Our traditional strong hold was in ultrasound research both for clinical and scientific gain. Rochester's Center for Biomedical Ultrasound remains an active leader in this field.

The Rochester Center for Brain Imaging is home to a 3 Tesla MRI scanner dedicated for research and housed in a special location adjacent to the small bore 9.4T research magnet.

Medical imaging developments also result from our department’s expertise in Biomedical Optics and collaborations with the Institute of Optics .

Clinical applications of medical imaging in radiation oncology include novel approaches for screening, treatment and follow-up of cancer patients. Novel 3D tumor detection approaches are being applied for lung, brain and breast screening, and for virtual colonoscopy.

Our researchers are developing visualization tools to support the analysis of vast amounts of complex clinical imaging data. Computational image analysis software is being evaluated for multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, cancer and osteoporosis.

Example Research Projects

medicalimaging1medicalimaging2medicalimaging3medicalimaging4medicalimaging5knee flexionknee joint
3D sonoacoustic radiationalgorithmsangiogenesisarthritic flarebiological effectspreclinical evaluation of new optical contrast agents
microbubble ultrasoundpattern recognitionphotobleachingSMURFsympathetic nervous systemtissue engineeringwear debris induced
wound healingbone repairchildrens gait

Current Researchers

Timothy Baran, PhDDiffuse optics, photodynamic therapy, and medical image processing
Edward Brown III, PhDMultiphoton laser scanning microscopy, novel in vivo imaging and measurement techniques, tumor biology, angiogenesis

Castañeda, Benjamín

Development of Point-of-Care Technologies for resource limitted settings. Development of ultrasound-based imaging diagnostic techniques.
Regine Choe, PhDDiffuse optics for in vivo cancer detection, diagnosis and therapy monitoring
Diane Dalecki, PhDBiomedical ultrasound, acoustics, lithotripsy, biological effects of ultrasound
Marvin Doyley, PhDTissue characterization, inverse problems, breast imaging, elastography, cardiovascular disease, molecular imaging, ultrasound, and MRI
Michael Giacomelli, PhDMultiphoton microscopy, surgical imaging, digital pathology, fluorescencelifetime imaging, 3D and molecular imaging
Amy L. Lerner, PhDOrthopaedic biomechanics, bone growth and development, cartilage mechanics, medical image-based finite element modeling, knee biomechanics
Susana Marcos, PhDOcular Imaging, Corneal Biomechanics, Ocular implants, Opto-mechanical modeling in the eye, Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract, Adaptive Optics, Visual Simulation, Diagnostic technologies in ophthalmology
Stephen A. McAleavey, PhDDevelopment of novel, clinically applicable ultrasound imaging techniques
Mohammad Mehrmohammadi, PhDDevelop novel, hybrid, and ultrasound-based diagnostic methods, and define the clinical utility of the developed technologies as it applies to detection, diagnosis, and therapy of various pathologies.
Kevin James Parker, PhDMedical imaging, digital imaging, halftoning, and novel scanning techniques using Doppler shift effects
Jannick Rolland, PhDOptical instrumentation, system engineering, optical coherence tomography
Edward M. Schwarz, PhDPro-inflammatory cytokine signal transduction and novel drug and gene therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Axel W. E. Wismuller, MD, PhDIntelligent image acquisition and analysis systems in biomedicine
Chao Xie, PhDBone repair and regeneration for critical defects caused by trauma, infection, and tumors, aiming to connect translational medicine with innovative therapies for musculoskeletal diseases
Jianhui Zhong, PhDDevelopment and medical application of magnetic resonance imaging