Thomas B. Jones

Thomas B. Jones

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Materials Science

PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970

Office Location
304 Hopeman Engineering Building
(585) 275-5233

Short Biography

One recent focus of my work has been the behavior of high-speed liquid droplet streams as they rebound from superhydrophobic surfaces. We have also investigated the feasibility of steering these streams with a non-uniform electric field created by an electrode array embedded within the surface. Another area of research has to do with the application of microfluidics to form double-emulsion droplets for use as targets in laser fusion research. So far, we have demonstrated the effective use of an RF electric field to form highly concentric liquid/liquid shells and we also have proven that liquid dielectrophoresis can be used in target fueling for the remote manipulation of cryogenic liquid deuterium. The long-term goal of this effort, a collaboration with the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, is to develop a fully automated, scalable assembly line for the fabrication and processing of laser targets with adequate throughput to supply targets for a inertial confinement fusion power system of the future.

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Microfluidics
  • Electrowetting and liquid dielectrophoresis
  • Particle dielectrophoresis
  • MEMS
  • Electromechanics
  • Nomograms
  • Electrostatics