Visiting and Emeritus Faculty

Thomas Y. Hsiang

Hsiang, Thomas Y.

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location
618 Computer Studies Building
(585) 275-3293

Interests: Ultrafast testing; Optoelectronic devices; Terahertz interconnects; Nano-scale magnetic recording

Thomas B. Jones

Jones, Thomas B.

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Materials Science

Office Location
304 Hopeman Engineering Building
(585) 275-5233

Interests: Microfluidics; Electrowetting and liquid dielectrophoresis; Particle dielectrophoresis; MEMS; Electromechanics; Nomograms; Electrostatics

Robert C. Waag

Waag, Robert C.

Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Arthur Gould Yates Professor of Engineering

Office Location
3-4309 Medical Center
(585) 275-4430

Interests: Wavefront Distortion and Compensation; High-Resolution and Quantitative Imaging