MS Curriculum
Please see the BME Graduate Studies Handbook for the most recent and detailed program information.
Plan A Requirements
BST 467: Applied Statistics in the Biomedical Sciences (3 credits)
IND 501: Ethics and Prof Integrity in Research (1 credit)
BME 496: Current Research Seminars (0 credit)
14 credits from:
- Advanced BME Courses: 4 credits minimum
- Approved Engineering Courses: 4 credits minimum
- Approved Biology Courses: 4 credits minimum
Research: 6-12 credits
Total of 30 credit hours
Plan B Requirements
BST 467: Applied Statistics in the Biomedical Sciences (3 credits)
BME 496: Current Research Seminars (0 credit)
14 credits from:
- Advanced BME Courses: 4 credits minimum
- Approved Engineering Courses: 4 credits minimum
- Approved Biology Courses: 4 credits minimum
6-13 additional credits (maximum 6 research credits )
Total of 30 credit hour
MS Course List
Advanced BME: Minimum 8 Credits
- BME 404 Computational Methods Applied to Biological Systems
- BME 406 Technical Computing in BME
- BME 412 Viscoelasticity in Biological Tissue
- BME 414 Biomed Printed Circ Bd Design & Prototyping
- BME 418 Introduction to Neuroengineering
- BME 420 Biomedical Nanotechnology (2 cr)
- BME 425 Human Neurophysiological Measurement
- BME 428 Physiological Control Systems
- BME 429 Nanotechnology and NanoEngineering
- BME 431 FDA and Intellectual Property
- BME 432 FDA and Commercialization
- BME 438 Introduction to Quality Engineering
- BME 442 Microbiomechanics
- BME 451 Biomedical Ultrasound
- BME 452 Medical Imaging- Theory & Implementation
- BME 453 Ultrasound Imaging
- BME 455 Translational Biomedical Optics
- BME 460 Quantitative Physiology
- BME 462 Cell and Tissue Engineering
- BME 465 Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology
- BME 468 Intro to Structure & Analysis of Biomolecules
- BME 472 Advanced Biomedical Microscopy
- BME 474 Biomedical Sensors, Circuits and Instrumentation
- BME 483 Biosolid Mechanics
- BME 486 Finite Elements
- BME 492 Neuroenhancement & Rehabilitation Engineering
- BCSC 513 Intro to fMRI: Imaging, Computational Analysis and Neural Representations (3 cr)
- BCSC 521 Auditory Perceptions (3 cr)
- ECE 410 Introduction to Augmented & Virtual Reality
- OPT 448 Vision and the Eye
Approved Engineering Courses: Minimum 4 Credits
Chemical engineering:
- CHE 411 Intro to Prob. for Chem. Engrs.
- CHE 413 Engineering of Soft Matter
- CHE 421 Thin Film Processing
- CHE 441 Advanced Transport Phenonmenon
- CHE 443 Fluid Dynamics
- CHE 447 Liquid Crystals Mat. 2
- CHE 454 Interfacial Engineering
- CHE 465 Biomass Conversion to Fuels
- CHE 468 Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CHE 469 Computational Chemistry
- CHE 480 Intro to Nanoengineering
- CHE 482 Processing Microelectronic
- CHE 486 Polymer Science and Tech
- CHE 487 Surface Analysis
- CHE 492 Biointerfaces
Computer science:
- CSC 441 Intro to Computational Neuroscience
- CSC 442 Intro to Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 446 Machine Learning
- CSC 449 Machine Vision
- DSCC 465 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
Electrical and computer engineering:
- ECE 401 Adv Computer Architecture
- ECE 404 Microprocessor Arch
- ECE 423 Semiconductor Devices
- ECE 432 Acoustic Waves
- ECE 434 Microelectromechanical Systems
- ECE 435 Intro to Optoelectronics
- ECE 437 Wireless Communications
- ECE 440 Intro to Random Processes
- ECE 441 Detection and Estimation Theory
- ECE 444 Digital Communications
- ECE 445 Wireless Communications
- ECE 446 Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 447 Intro to Dip using Python
- ECE 450 Information Theory
- ECE 452 Med Imaging-Theor and Implement
- ECE 461 Dig Integ Circuit Design
- ECE 461 Dig Integ Circuit Design Lab
- ECE 466 RF Integrated Circuits
- ECE 472 Audio Signal Processing
- ECE 477 Computer Audition
Mechanical engineering:
- ME 400 Applied Boundary Value Problems
- ME 401 Methods of Applied Math
- ME 402 Partial Differential Eq.
- ME 406 Dynamical Systems
- ME 411 Mech Properties of Polymers
- ME 424 Robust Design/Quality
- ME 437 Incompressible Flow
- ME 440 Mechanics of Structures
- ME 441 Finite Elements
- ME 443 Mechanical Vibrations
- ME 444 Continuum Mechanics
- ME 445 Precision Instrument Design
- ME 449 Elasticity
- ME 458 Nonlinear Finite Elements
- ME 459 Applied Finite Elements
- ME 461 Fracture and Adhesion
- ME 463 Microstructures
- ME 481 Mechanical Properties
- OPT 407 SEM Practicum
- OPT 411 Math/Theoretic.
- OPT 421 Opt Properties of Materials
- OPT 425 Radiation and Detectors
- OPT 428 Opt. Commun. Systm
- OPT 441 Geometrical Optics
- OPT 442 Instrumental Optics
- OPT 443 Found. of Mod Opt Systs
- OPT 444 Lens Design
- OPT 446 Optical Interference Coating
- OPT 447 Adv Opt Coating Design
- OPT 452 Medical Imaging: Th.and Prac.
- OPT 461 Fourier Optics
- OPT 462 Electromagnetic Waves
- OPT 463 Wave Optics and Imaging
- OPT 465 Principles of Lasers
- OPT 467 Non-Linear Optics
- OPT 468 WAveguides & Optoelectronic Devices
- OPT 476 Biomedical Optics
- OPT 551 Intro to Quantum Optics
- OPT 552 Quant. Opt Electromag. Field (Spring)
- OPT 553 Quant. Opt Atom-Field
- OPT 563 Statistical Optics
- OPT 564 Electr Imaging Sys.
- OPT 592 Nano-Optics
Approved Biology Courses: Minimum 4 Credits
Basic courses:
- BME 411 Cell and Molec Bio Foundations
- BME 459 Applied Human Anatomy
- IND 408 Biochemistry
- IND 409 Cell Biology
- IND 410 Molecular Biology
- MBI 414/514 Mech of Microbial Pathogenesis
- PHP 403 Human Cell Physiology (3)
- PHP 404 Principles of Pharmacology
- PTH 507 Cancer Biology (3)
- PTH 509 Pathways to Human Disease
- PTH 510 Pathways to Human Disease
Advanced courses:
- ANA 531 Integrative Neuroscience (6)
- BIO 419Nuc Structure and Function
- BIO 422Biology of Aging
- BIO 426Developmental Biology
- BIO 428Lab in Cell and Dev Biolo
- CVS 401 Cardiovascular Bio and Disease (3)
- GEN 506 Principles in Stem Cell Biology
- GEN 507 Advanced Genetics
- GEN 508 Genes, Devel and Disease
- IND 407 Cytoplasmic Structures and Functions
- IND 411 Methods in Structural Biology
- IND 443 Eukaryotic Genome I
- IND 447 Signal Transduction
- IND 525 Cell and Membrane Biophysics
- MBI 473 Immunology (3)
- NSC 512 Cellular Neuroscience (6)
- PHP 440 Topics in Vascular Biology (2)
- PTH 571 Mol. Basis of Human Disease (3)
- PTH 593 Nuclear Hormone Receptors (2)
- TOX 521Biochemical Toxicology