Colloquia & Guest Speakers
Color and Object Appearance in Augmented Reality
Dr. Michael Murdoch, Color Science Laboratory, Rochester Institute of Technology
Monday, September 9, 2019
3 p.m.
Goergen 101

Augmented reality (AR) offers amazing potential for mixing virtual content into the real world, but there remain many tricky questions about displays, optics, software. This talk will focus on visual perception and color appearance in AR, including the development and characterization of a laboratory desktop AR setup, a Microsoft HoloLens head-mounted system, and controllable LED lighting environments. The results of recent psychophysical experiments with these laboratory tools will be shared, and future directions discussed.
Michael J. Murdoch is an Assistant Professor in RIT's Munsell Color Science Laboratory, where he teaches psychophysical methods, MATLAB programming, color imaging, and lighting perception topics. His current research includes the effects of temporally dynamic LED lighting on visual adaptation and color appearance and visual adaptation in Augmented Reality (AR). Mike has academic and industrial research experience with color system modeling and human-centered design for solid state lighting, LCD, and OLED display systems. He holds a BS in chemical engineering from Cornell, MS in computer science from RIT, and PhD in human-technology interaction from Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands.
Location: Goergen 101
Refreshments will be served.