
Below are all of the classes that will be offered during the summer 2024 program. While most of the classes are offered remotely, there are a couple of in-person classes offered as well.

All courses will take place between June 3-21, 2024. (No weekend classes.)

Please note: The course descriptions and instructors listed on this page are NOT final, it is possible that circumstances beyond our control could necessitate alterations.

2024 In-Person Courses

All courses are offered in-person on the University of Rochester campus.

Alignment Intensive Optics Laboratory

2024: Offered in person as a complete series, no registrations for individual lectures will be permitted.

This course runs from Tuesday, May 28 – Friday, June 14 (no weekends).

Course Description

This is a three-week, in-person lab experience that can be taken in total or broken up into separate one- or two-week sessions. All laboratory units are equivalent to OPT 454 MS HOME Laboratory (OPT 401, OPT 402, and OPT 403 in succession).

Each experiment is divided up into six- or twelve-hour sessions where students will construct optical systems from individual components encompassing disciplines utilizing polarization and wave retardance, fiber lasers, acousto-optics, diffraction, second harmonic generation, photovoltaic and photoconductive detection, continuous-wave infrared lasers, interferometry, and so much more. Space is limited.


Session A

This session is a pre-requisite for sessions B and C.

Tuesday, May 28 – Friday, May 31 (OPT 401 equivalent)

  • AM lab: 9 a.m. – noon
  • PM lab: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Session B

Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 7 (OPT 402 equivalent)

  • AM lab: 9 a.m. – noon
  • PM lab: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Session C

Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 14 (OPT 403 equivalent)

  • AM lab: 9 a.m. – noon
  • PM lab: 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Optomechanical Design, Assembly, and Alignment

2024: Offered remotely and in person. This course runs from June 10-14 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-5:30 p.m. (weekdays only).

This course is offered as a complete series, registrations for individual lectures will not be permitted.

Course Description

Building optical systems requires multiple disciplines to work in harmony to achieve system performance. An optical design is good only if the lenses can be manufactured and the tolerances can be met during assembly and alignment. Mastering the skills necessary to successfully design, build, and assemble complex optical systems can take years of practical experience. This course distills these concepts some fundamental aspects melded with practical examples to give participants a general background in the field.

Instructors: Jon Ellis and Kate Medicus


Session 1: Principles of Opto-mechanical Engineering

Date: June 10, Monday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: This session covers the basic concepts needed for this course. It includes terminology, material properties, mechanical engineering concepts, and the intersection between mechanical properties and optical properties. It will cover differences between mechanical and optical axes, reference surfaces, and datums.

Session 2: Benchtop Optical Mounting and Alignment

Date: June 10, Monday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Numerous companies provide a suite of off-the-shelf components and lenses. This session covers optomechanical concepts for using these types of systems, including benefits and limitations. This session will also cover basic alignment techniques using benchtop systems.

Session 3: Custom Optical Mounting I

Date: June 11, Tuesday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: High performance optical systems often require custom optical designs and mounting. This is in part due to the limitations of catalog component geometries and implications for packaging. Many custom optical systems use the relatively straightforward concept of lenses in a tube as a design archetype. This session covers some of the design principles and analysis required to put lenses in a tube.

Session 4: Custom Optical Mounting II

Date: June 11, Tuesday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: More advanced optical systems require more advanced mounting and analysis. This session expands the concept of lenses in tube to include bond rings, flexure mounts, and other mounting configurations.

Session 5: Design for Manufacturing

Date: June 12, Wednesday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: An optical design is only viable if the components can be made. This tutorial covers the features necessary to design for manufacturing, including lens tolerances and limitations for mechanical mount manufacturing. This session also covers ISO 10110 prints and suggestions for improving the communication between designers and manufacturers.

Session 6: Design for Environment

Date: June 12, Wednesday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Much like design for manufacturing, designing for the operating environment is a critical aspect of the system design process. This session covers topics related to thermal effects, shock, and vibration in optical systems. This session also covers basic finite element analysis (FEA) concepts, including the limitations of FEA for certain environments.

Session 7: Design for Assembly and Test

Date: June 13, Thursday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Description: This session covers the last of the integrated design concepts, specifically designing with the assembly and testing process in mind. This is a critical aspect to ensure specifications are met during the testing process. For complex systems, compensators are often included as part of the design. This session also covers practical concepts related to compensators.

Session 8: The Lens Centering Station

Date: June 13, Thursday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Active alignment of lenses requires using a lens centering station to ensure components are aligned to the optical axis. This session covers the fundamental operations of the Lens Center Station, including practical examples of issues with decentration, tilt, wedge, and other optical effects while actively aligning lenses. Additionally, topics related to practical implementation such as precise positioning and fixing during alignment are covered.

Session 9: System Assembly Techniques

Date: June 14, Friday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Description: Not all systems are aligned on a Lens Centering Station. This session covers practical laboratory techniques for assembling and aligning optical systems, including alignment telescopes, tooling, datum transferring and referencing, and other concepts.

Session 10: Optical System Measurements

Date: June 14, Friday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Once a system is fully assembled and aligned, it must be tested to ensure performance specifications are met. This session covers techniques for system performance testing, including interferometry, wavefront sensing, MTF testing, Star tests, and others.

2024 Hybrid Courses

Hybrid courses have elements that will be done remotely and online.

Optical System Design

2024: Offered remotely as a full series, registrations for individual lectures will not be permitted. Labs must be done in person.

This course runs from June 10 to 14 with both morning and afternoon sessions.


Session 1a: First Order Layout of Optical Systems (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Professor Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Class type: In-person and remote
Description: This short course begins with a review of fundamental first-order geometrical optical concepts such as optical path, Snell's law, focal length, magnification, cardinal points, pupils, and paraxial ray tracing. The first-order concepts are then applied to the design and thin-lens layout of a wide variety of optical systems/instruments ranging from the eye to magnifiers, telescopes, microscopes, camera objectives, eyepieces, relay lenses, and illumination systems.

Session 1b: Image Quality Evaluation and Aberration Theory (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Instructor: Professor Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Class type: In-person and remote
Description: Common image quality metrics (e.g. spot diagrams, transverse ray plots, RMS wavefront, Strehl ratio and MTF) and their uses in optical design will be presented. Then aberration theory is discussed starting with single surface contributions and then thin lens theory. First order chromatic aberrations, third order aberrations (spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, Petzval, and distortion), and higher order aberrations are covered using the approach of how to first identify them and then how to correct them during the optical design process.

Session 2a: Optimization and Improving a Design (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Professor Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Class type: In-person and remote
Description: Topics covered include variable definition, local vs global optimization, merit function setup, and optimization algorithms. Optimization tips and standard methods for improving a design (e.g. stop shift, color correction, and splitting and compounding elements) are given.

Session 2b: Laboratory: Introduction to optical design software (In Person)

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Class type: In person
Description: Attendees will move to a computer laboratory where they will have access to optical design and analysis software (e.g., CODE V and Zemax) and be given problems in lens entry, image quality evaluation and optimization with instructors on hand to assist and answers questions.

Session 3a: Illumination Design (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Class type: In-person and remote
Instructor: Rich N. Pfisterer (Photon Engineering)
Description: Basics of illumination design, review of radiometry and photometry, etendue, ray statistics, modeling sources, compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs), edge ray principle, lightpipes, hybrid optics, an introduction to backlit displays and projection displays, tolerancing.

Session 3b: Laboratory: introduction to optical engineering software (FRED) (In Person)

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Class type: In-person
Instructor: Rich N. Pfisterer (Photon Engineering)
Description: Attendees will move to a computer laboratory where they will have access to FRED and be given problems in illumination design with instructors on hand to assist and answers questions.

Session 4a: Stray Light Analysis (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 13, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Class type: In-person and remote
Instructor:  Mr. Rich N. Pfistererer (Photon Engineering)
Description: Stray light mechanisms, bidirectional scatter distribution function (BSDF), total integrated scatter (TIS), Lambertian scatter, scatter from optical surfaces, scatter from paints, scatter from particulates, rough surfaces, a rational approach to stray light analysis, stray light metrics (PST, percent stray light, contrast/veiling glare, ghost image formation, unintended diffraction orders, thermal self-emission, infield stray light, diffraction), well-baffled systems.

Session 4b: Refractive and Reflective Optical Design Forms  (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 13, Thursday
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Class type: In-person and remote
Instructor: Professor Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Description: A survey of both refractive and reflective design forms will be discussed along with their limiting aberrations and uses in optical systems. Refractive design forms to be covered range from simple singlets to wide angle and telephoto designs. Reflective design forms to be covered range from a two element Cassegrain to three and four mirror unobscured anastigmats.

Session 5a: Introduction to Tolerancing (In-Person and Remote)

Date: June 14, Friday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Class type: In-person and remote
Instructor: Professor Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Description: Topics covered include variable definition, local vs global optimization, merit function setup, and optimization algorithms. Optimization tips and standard methods for improving a design (e.g., stop shift, color correction, and splitting and compounding elements) are given. A review of the tolerance process from assigning initial tolerance values, generating error budgets, performing a sensitivity analysis, selecting appropriate compensators, probability distributions, and Monte Carlo analyses.

Laboratory: Tolerancing a Lens Using Optical Design Software (In Person)

Date: June 14, Friday
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Class type: In-person
Description: Attendees will move to a computer laboratory where they will have access to optical design and analysis software (e.g., CODE V and Zemax) and be given problems in tolerancing with instructors on hand to assist and answers questions.

2024 Online Courses

Those who’ve registered for a remote course will receive an email with Zoom information from each course instructor before the start of classes.

Applied Concepts

2024: Offered remotely from June 3 to 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily (excluding weekends).


Session 1: Geometrical Optics

Date: June 3, Monday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Jim Zavislan (Rochester)
Description: Paraxial optics raytracing, cardinal points and conjugate relations, Lagrange invariant, stops and pupils, vignetting, common optical systems (cameras, telescopes, microscopes, and relay systems).

Session 2: Interference and Diffraction

Date: June 4, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Nick Vamivakas (Rochester)

Session 3: Electromagnetic Waves

Date: June 5, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Andrew Berger (Rochester)
Description: Maxwell’s equations, constitutive relations, positive and negative refractive indices, Lorentz and Drude models, angular spectrum, chromatic dispersion, plane waves, polarization, reflection and refraction, critical angle, Brewster angle, total internal reflection, thin-film stacks, Bragg mirrors, surface waves, scalar and vector potentials, radiation from electric dipoles.

Session 4: A Survey of Lasers and Principles of Operation

Date: June 6, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Will Renninger (Rochester)
Description: The first decade after the first laser was built in 1960, one often heard it described as an invention searching for an application, during the following three decades lasers systems were often multi-hundreds of thousands of dollar investment around which laboratories were built, but recently they have become commodities that are essential to almost every industrial and commercial sector. We will review the physical and engineering principles underlying the various types of lasers, define the basic parameters by which they are characterized, and then survey the myriad types of lasers that have been developed.

Session 5: Physics of Light Matter Interactions

Date: June 7, Friday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Nick Vamivakas (Rochester)
Description: Introduction to the particle and wave views of both light and matter. Physical descriptions of light generation and detection. Quantum engineering of optoelectronic devices and a survey of quantum technologies.

Session 6: Optical Design

Date: June 5, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Julie Bentley (Rochester)
Description: More advanced analysis of optical imaging systems, with an emphasis on optical aberrations. Topics include chromatic aberrations; simple achromatic systems; third-order aberrations; wavefront shape and transverse ray aberrations; tracing real rays; aberrations of thin lenses; effects of bending and stop shift; and image analysis and improvement.

Session 7: Spectroscopy and its Biomedical Applications

Date: June 6, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Andrew Berger (Rochester)
Description: This course covers several major types of optical spectroscopy: mid-infrared absorption, Raman scattering, fluorescence emission, and elastic scattering.  Fundamental theory and instrumental details will be addressed for each type.  In addition to these introductions, biomedical examples of each technique will be described in detail.

Session 8: Photometry and Colorimetry

Date: June 7, Friday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Gary Wicks (Rochester)
Description: Brightness and color are familiar qualitative aspects of light. Quantitative treatments of these characteristics of light are developed in Photometry and Colorimetry, enabling calculations of the brightness and color of optical sources.

Session 9: Radiometry and Detection

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Professor: Gary Wicks (Rochester)
Description: Principles of radiometry. Fundamental radiation laws. Descriptions of important optical radiation detectors and their inherent limitations, including photomultipliers, photodiodes, and photoconductors.

Session 10: Design of Illumination Systems

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Instructor: Josh Cobb (Rochester)
Description: This course presents the student with an introduction to the concept of etendue, or the size of a light source, as a fundamental parameter in the design of illumination systems. This concept is then applied to the design of illumination systems such as Koehler illuminators and Abbe illuminators. Practical examples are presented that will show the student how light from a source can be arranged into the spatial and angular distributions required by the optical system.

Integrated Photonics Circuits

2024: Offered remotely as a complete series, registrations for individual lectures will not be permitted.

This course runs from June 3 to June 14 (excluding weekends) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.

Target Audience

This course is targeted for students, researchers, and engineers in industry, who want to learn both the fundamental and applied aspects of integrated photonics circuits.

Course Description

In this course you will learn photonic integrated devices from fundamentals to device layout. You will learn, hands-on, how to design a photonic integrated circuit and create a layout suitable for fabrication at a professional foundry using Synopsys Software.

The first week of the course covers the fundamentals of optical waveguides, how they can be used to create passive and active components for photonic integrated circuits, and the application of photonic integrated circuits to sensing. The second week of the course will teach students how to design, model, and generate a layout of photonic integrated circuits. The course starts from individual waveguides and waveguide bends all the way to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The students will learn to use a commercial software package and learn the basic aspects of computer-aided design of integrated photonics circuits.


Familiarity with optics and electromagnetics is a prerequisite. It is assumed that each attendee has taken a course on physical optics or electromagnetic theory in the past. However, no previous knowledge of integrated photonics or optical waveguides is required.


These sessions are held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. each of the days listed:

  • Waveguide Theory
    • June 3, Monday
    • Professor Pablo Postigo (Rochester)
  • PIC Sensors,
    • June 4, Tuesday
    • Professor Ben Miller (Rochester)
  • Passive Devices
    • June 5, Wednesday
    • Professor Pablo Postigo (Rochester)
  • Quantum Photonics
    • June 6, Thursday
    • Professor A. Dutt (University of Maryland)
  • Design Basics
    • June 7, Friday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
  • Design Basics
    • June 10, Monday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
  • Advance Design
    • June 11, Tuesday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
  • Advanced Design/Photonic Circuit Simulation
    • June 12, Wednesday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
  • Generating PIC CAD
    • June 13, Thursday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
  • Modeling Si Modulator
    • June 14, Friday
    • Professor Jaime Cardenas (Rochester)
Introduction to Computational Imaging and Information Essentials

2024: Offered remotely as a complete series, registrations for individual lectures will not be permitted.

This course runs from June 10 to 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.


Session 1: Introduction to Computational Imaging and Information Essentials

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Mait (Mait-Optik LLC)
Description: This lecture introduces computational imaging, a modern paradigm in imaging in which the burden of image formation is no longer borne solely by optical physics. A key feature of computational imaging is the co-design of front-end optics and post-detection signal processing. The lecture also discusses the motivations for using computational imaging and the degrees of freedom one can exploit in the optical domain to enhance information extraction in post-detection.

Session 2: Optical Physics

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Mait (Mait-Optik LLC)
Description: In this lecture, linear models of optical physics are introduced that can be used to analyze front-end optical encoding, including scalar wave analysis and coherence. These models are the basis for techniques to alter the point spread function of an optical system.

Session 3: Transduction and Digital Processing

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Mait (Mait-Optik LLC)
Description: In the lecture, optical physics is combined with post-detection processing to improve conventional imaging performance and to achieve unconventional imaging capabilities not otherwise possible using optics alone.

Session 4: Computational Imaging for Phase Measurement and Phase Retrieval

Date: June 13, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Mait (Mait-Optik LLC)
Description: This lecture emphasizes the importance of phase in imaging yet at the same time stressing the difficulties to image and measure it. Phase retrieval using optical measurements combined with signal processing is presented.

Session 5: Examples of Computational Imaging

Date: June 14, Friday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Mait (Mait-Optik LLC)
Description: This lecture provides additional examples of computational imaging in microscopy, millimeter-wave imaging, and spectral-spatial imaging.

Laser Engineering

2024: Offered remotely.

This course runs from June 10 to 14, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Course Description

This course introduces the fundamentals of lasers, laser performance, and applications. Topics include the physics of laser operation, laser cavities, laser types and applications, performance metrics, polarization optics in lasers, and laser amplifiers.


Session 1: Introduction to Lasers, Types, and Performance Metrics

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructors: Katelynn Bauer (Rochester)/Leon Waxer (LLNL)
Description: The fundamental components of a laser are introduced alongside the main properties of a laser: spontaneous and stimulated emission, spatial and temporal coherence, and monochromaticity. This introduction will be followed by a survey of different laser classes (gas, solid, fiber, etc.) and the various metrics used to quantify laser performance.

Session 2: Gain, Loss, and How It All Works

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Leon Waxer (LLNL)
Description: Fundamentals of laser gain media, models of laser system performance, and continuous-wave and pulsed laser operation

Session 3: Laser Cavities

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Katelynn Bauer
Description: An introduction to the properties of laser cavities, including the discussion of spatial and temporal modes and Gaussian beam propagation. ABCD matrices will be used to propagate a Gaussian mode. Also, the specifications of a cavity will be defined for various applications, such as output pulse length, wavelength, etc.

Session 4: Laser Amplifiers and Chirped Pulse Amplification

Date: June 13, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Leon Waxer (LLNL)
Description: An introduction to high-energy laser systems, laser amplifiers and amplification of ultrafast laser pulses.

Session 5: Polarization

Date: June 14, Friday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructors: Katelynn Bauer (Rochester)
Description: A brief overview of polarization and Jones matrices. Discussion will be focused on polarization optics often used in laser systems such as waveplates, beam splitters, Pockels cells, Faraday rotators, coated optics and gratings.

Modern Optical Engineering

2024: Offered remotely.

This course run from June 10 to 14 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.


Session 1: Optical Engineering for Biomedical Optics

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Professor Jim Zavislan (Rochester)

Session 2: Optical Testing and Instrumentation

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Paul Murphy (QED Optics)
Description: Interferometric optical testing, including Fizeau, Twyman-Green, Mach-Zehnder, Scatterplate, and Smartt point-diffraction interferometers are described for the testing of optical components and optical systems. Theory and applications of phase-shifting interferometers are discussed. Special techniques for the testing of aspheric surfaces are outlined.

Session 3: Wave-Front Sensing

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Seung-Whan Bahk (Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics)

Session 4: Optical Thin Films

Date: June 13, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Kruschwitz (Rochester)
Description: Survey of applications for optical thin-film coatings; reflectance and transmittance at a boundary; vector methods and the Smith chart. Production considerations, including vacuum evaporation, evaporation sources, uniformity calculations, thickness monitoring, chamber configuration, and materials.

Session 5: Introduction to Electronic Imaging: A Systems Approach

Date: June 14, Friday
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Instructor: Jonathan Phillips (Imatest)
Description: This course provides an overview of electronic imaging systems, describing the stages of image capture, digital processing, image output and viewing by a human observer. The student will become familiar with sampling and aliasing as they pertain to two-dimensional sensor arrays, digitization and sensor noise sources, CCD and CMOS architectures, and issues relating to correct matching of lenses and sensor arrays. Basic digital image processing algorithms such as demosaicing, deconvolution and sharpening will be discussed, and computational imaging concepts such as extended depth of field will be introduced. Digital image output in the form of projection displays, flat panel displays, and digital writers will be discussed. Finally, the spatial, temporal, and chromatic response of the human visual system will be reviewed, in the context of setting specifications for electronic imaging systems.

Optical Thin Film Coating Technology

2024: Offered remotely.

This course if offered from June 3 to 12 (excluding weekends) from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. daily.

Course Description

The course serves both as an introduction and a review for engineers and scientists of the principles of optical interference filter design while considering, in addition, recent advances in the current technology. Five sessions cover basic design techniques, coating types and their characteristics. The other five sessions include coating fabrication, substrate preparation, characterization, and digital design techniques. 


Design of Single-Layer Films

Date: June 3, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Index of refraction, absorption, dispersion, coating, and substrate materials. Reflectance and transmittance of substrates and single-layer films, optical thickness, and interference. Coherent versus incoherent illumination.

Design-Anti-Reflection Coatings

Date: June 4, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: AR Coatings: Single layer, two-layer, multilayer, and gradient index. Graphical design techniques; computer optimization techniques.

Coating Techniques

Date: June 5, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Review of various methods for producing optical films, thin film structure, optical and physical thickness monitoring techniques, uniformity, and process control. Review of thin film structure and formation, vacuum environment, and components of a deposition system including evaporation sources, assist sources, and optical/physical thickness monitoring.

Design-High Reflector Coatings

Date: June 6, Thursday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Dielectric reflectors: quarterwave stack, modified quarterwave stack, broad band reflectors. Order suppression, electric field profiles, rugate designs. Metal films, enhanced metal reflectors.

Design Non-normal Incidence

Date: June 7, Friday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Polarization of light. Incidence angle effects on refractive index and filter design. Polarizing beam splitter and phase control coatings.

Methods of Substrate Motion in a Deposition System

Date: June 10, Monday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Modeling of thin-film uniformity, stresses in thin films, and process control for precision optical coatings.

Design-Band Pass Filters

Date: June 11, Tuesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. James B. Oliver
Description: Short and long wavelength and narrow band pass filters. Band pass filter design techniques: Herpin equivalent index, blocking methods. Metal-dielectric filters and graphical design techniques.

Optical Coatings and Color

Date: June 12, Wednesday
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Kruschwitz (Rochester)
Description: Coating designs used in color applications: lighting, display, anti-counterfeiting and iridescent pigments, color targets, sunglasses, architectural, etc. Color spaces (i.e. 1931 Chromaticity Diagram, CIELuv, CIELab) and color difference formulas.

Optomechanical Design, Assembly, and Alignment

2024: Offered remotely and in person. This course runs from June 10-14 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2:30-5:30 p.m. (weekdays only).

This course is offered as a complete series, registrations for individual lectures will not be permitted.

Course Description

Building optical systems requires multiple disciplines to work in harmony to achieve system performance. An optical design is good only if the lenses can be manufactured and the tolerances can be met during assembly and alignment. Mastering the skills necessary to successfully design, build, and assemble complex optical systems can take years of practical experience. This course distills these concepts some fundamental aspects melded with practical examples to give participants a general background in the field.

Instructors: Jon Ellis and Kate Medicus


Session 1: Principles of Opto-mechanical Engineering

Date: June 10, Monday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: This session covers the basic concepts needed for this course. It includes terminology, material properties, mechanical engineering concepts, and the intersection between mechanical properties and optical properties. It will cover differences between mechanical and optical axes, reference surfaces, and datums.

Session 2: Benchtop Optical Mounting and Alignment

Date: June 10, Monday (0.5 days)
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Numerous companies provide a suite of off-the-shelf components and lenses. This session covers optomechanical concepts for using these types of systems, including benefits and limitations. This session will also cover basic alignment techniques using benchtop systems.

Session 3: Custom Optical Mounting I

Date: June 11, Tuesday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: High performance optical systems often require custom optical designs and mounting. This is in part due to the limitations of catalog component geometries and implications for packaging. Many custom optical systems use the relatively straightforward concept of lenses in a tube as a design archetype. This session covers some of the design principles and analysis required to put lenses in a tube.

Session 4: Custom Optical Mounting II

Date: June 11, Tuesday (0.5 days) 
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: More advanced optical systems require more advanced mounting and analysis. This session expands the concept of lenses in tube to include bond rings, flexure mounts, and other mounting configurations.

Session 5: Design for Manufacturing

Date: June 12, Wednesday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Description: An optical design is only viable if the components can be made. This tutorial covers the features necessary to design for manufacturing, including lens tolerances and limitations for mechanical mount manufacturing. This session also covers ISO 10110 prints and suggestions for improving the communication between designers and manufacturers.

Session 6: Design for Environment

Date: June 12, Wednesday (0.5 days) 
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Much like design for manufacturing, designing for the operating environment is a critical aspect of the system design process. This session covers topics related to thermal effects, shock, and vibration in optical systems. This session also covers basic finite element analysis (FEA) concepts, including the limitations of FEA for certain environments.

Session 7: Design for Assembly and Test

Date: June 13, Thursday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Description: This session covers the last of the integrated design concepts, specifically designing with the assembly and testing process in mind. This is a critical aspect to ensure specifications are met during the testing process. For complex systems, compensators are often included as part of the design. This session also covers practical concepts related to compensators. 

Session 8: The Lens Centering Station

Date: June 13, Thursday (0.5 days) 
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Active alignment of lenses requires using a lens centering station to ensure components are aligned to the optical axis. This session covers the fundamental operations of the Lens Center Station, including practical examples of issues with decentration, tilt, wedge, and other optical effects while actively aligning lenses. Additionally, topics related to practical implementation such as precise positioning and fixing during alignment are covered.

Session 9: System Assembly Techniques

Date: June 14, Friday (0.5 days)
Time: 10 a.m.-1p.m.
Description: Not all systems are aligned on a Lens Centering Station. This session covers practical laboratory techniques for assembling and aligning optical systems, including alignment telescopes, tooling, datum transferring and referencing, and other concepts.

Session 10: Optical System Measurements

Date: June 14, Friday (0.5 days) 
Time: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Description: Once a system is fully assembled and aligned, it must be tested to ensure performance specifications are met. This session covers techniques for system performance testing, including interferometry, wavefront sensing, MTF testing, Star tests, and others.