Colloquium: Integrated Photonics at MIT Lincoln Laboratory Dr. Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar
Dr. Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Senior Scientist, Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems Group, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We present an overview of MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MITLL) focused on our integrated photonics
portfolio. We discuss our design, fabrication, and test abilities and our integrated photonic
platforms. We talk more specifically about two application areas: visible light integrated photonics
for trapped-ion based quantum computing and sensing, and high-performance silicon nitride
photonics for microwave photonics systems.
BIO: Dr. Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar is a Senior Staff member in the Quantum Information and Integrated
Nanosystems Group, working in integrated photonics. She earned her BS in Applied Physics from
Cornell University and her SM and PhD in Electrical Engineering from MIT. Her dissertation focused
on analog integrated photonic components, including the design of novel silicon photonic
modulators and integrated mode-locked lasers, as well as joint electronic and optical modeling tools
for the design of such integrated systems. She has received the National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship and MIT's Ida M. Green Fellowship. She is a member of the IEEE.
TITLE: Integrated Photonics at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
DATE: February 14, 2022
TIME: 3:30 PM (EST)