Colloquia & Guest Speakers
New Visual Assistants for a Restored Vision
Jean-Louis DeBougrenet de la Tocnaye, Professor and Head of Optics Department at IMT Atlantique (France)
Monday, October 16, 2023
3:30 p.m.
Presented in-person in Goergen 101 and on Zoom
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 952 7674 7247
Passcode: 964579
We present some thoughts about the recent developments, made possible by technological advances and miniaturization of connected visual prostheses, linked to the visual system, operating at different levels of the retina, as well as in the visual cortex. While these objects represent a great hope for people with impaired vision to recover partial vision, we show how this technology could also act on the functional vision of well-sighted persons to improve or increase their visual performance.

Professor, head of the Optics Department at IMT Atlantique (France), specialist in composite liquid crystals, diffractive and vision optics. Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (TU Munich), Churchill College Fellow, University of Cambridge (Engineering Department) and Optica Fellow. Author of 65 patents, Founder of six companies. Winner of the Cambridge Entrepreneurship (2002), the SPIE Technical Achievement Award (2006), Grand Prix laureate of the French Académie des Sciences (2022). Current acting Cylensee CTO (Pittsburgh) designing and manufacturing cyborg contact lenses for various uses in optics.