Spring Term Schedule
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
OPT 1000-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Graduate teaching assistantship in Optics
OPT 202-1
Melanie King
MW 6:15PM - 9:55PM
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis.
OPT 202-2
Melanie King
TR 12:30PM - 3:20PM
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis.
OPT 202-3
Melanie King
TR 3:25PM - 6:05PM
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis.
OPT 204-1
Svetlana Lukishova
M 9:00AM - 10:15AM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 204-2
Svetlana Lukishova
F 9:00AM - 12:00PM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 204-3
Svetlana Lukishova
R 6:15PM - 8:55PM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 204-4
Svetlana Lukishova
W 6:15PM - 8:55PM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 204-5
Svetlana Lukishova
M 6:15PM - 8:55PM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 204-6
Svetlana Lukishova
T 6:15PM - 8:55PM
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission
OPT 211-2
Gregory Savich
M 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs.
OPT 211-3
Gregory Savich
W 9:00AM - 10:00AM
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs.
OPT 211-4
Gregory Savich
F 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs.
OPT 214-1
John Bowen
T 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course gives engineering undergraduates early exposure to the tools (e.g. Zemax/CODE V) needed for most summer internships while introducing methods for the design and analysis of an optical system. Topics covered will include specifying system requirements, layout, optimization, and evaluation. Examples covered will include standard imaging, afocal sytems, and illumination. A Windows laptop for in class use is required. Prerequisite: OPT 241
OPT 222-1
Jennifer Kruschwitz
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Color Technology is more than just pigments, dyes, paints, and textiles. Everywhere in modern technology (smart phones, tablets, displays, lighting, cinema, printers, etc.) is the need for a basic understanding of how we measure, identify, communicate, specify, and render color from one device to another. This course addresses color order systems, color spaces, color measurement, color difference, additive and subtractive color, and rendering of color images. The student will learn about color matching, lighting conditions, metamerism, and color constancy. At the semesters end, each student will have compiled a Color Toolbox with useful functions to derive different necessary color values within MatLab. Prerequisites: OPT 211 & 212 [MatLab], Linear Algebra
OPT 223-1
Andrew Berger
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
Intro to quantum mechanics in the context of modern optics and optical technology. Wave mechanics as applied to electrons in crystals and in quantum wells and the optical properties of materials. Semiconductor junctions in photodetectors and photoemitters. You can do this my Optics superstars!
OPT 223-3
Andrew Berger
M 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Intro to quantum mechanics in the context of modern optics and optical technology. Wave mechanics as applied to electrons in crystals and in quantum wells and the optical properties of materials. Semiconductor junctions in photodetectors and photoemitters. You can do this my Optics superstars!
OPT 225-1
Jaime Cardenas
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course provides the basic concepts required for understanding radiometry and the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. The course is based around the design of an optical system that connects sources and detectors with radiometry
OPT 232-1
Victor Genberg
MW 4:50PM - 6:05PM
System performance of glass with metal or plastic, kinematic design, material limitations. Applications to optical metrology, alignment, geometry 2D and 3D. This course is an OPT elective.
OPT 232-2
Victor Genberg
W 7:40PM - 8:55PM
System performance of glass with metal or plastic, kinematic design, material limitations. Applications to optical metrology, alignment, geometry 2D and 3D. This course is an OPT elective.
OPT 244-1
Julie Bentley
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
You will gain knowledge of classical as well as modern approaches to the science and art of contemporary lens design. Using state-of-the-art optical design software (both CODE V and Zemax) you will be prepared to design and analyze the next generation of optics, from cinema primes to bio-tech microscopes to wafer photolithographic fabrication and inspection tools. Grounding the design philosophy in third order aberration theory, we move on to achromatization, optical design forms for objectives, eyepieces, reflective, and illumination systems. Advanced surface types including aspheres, diffractives, and gradient index are covered. Optimization theory and methods to improve a design are fundamental, followed closely by tolerancing and compensation techniques for predicting as-built performance. The course concludes with an individual lens design project which will be pitched to a panel of experts
OPT 244-2
Julie Bentley
T 4:50PM - 6:05PM
Throughout the entire semester heavy use of CODE V supporting the homework assignments will be required. The recitations will be used as training classes and tutorials in use of the design codes. Attendance is mandatory.
OPT 244-3
Julie Bentley
R 4:50PM - 6:05PM
3rd order aberration theory, optimization theory, global optimization, variables and constraints of various lens materials and types. Course concludes with individual lens design projects.
OPT 247-1
Jennifer Kruschwitz
MW 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Advanced optical coating design techniques used for five different [virtual] deposition processes. Design topics include: Optical characterization of film layers from spectrophometric measurements, designs for lighting and display, low emissivity designs, anti-counterfeiting designs, designs for ophthalmic uses, and reverse engineering catalog coatings.
OPT 247-2
Jennifer Kruschwitz
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Advanced optical coating design techniques used for five different [virtual] deposition processes. Design topics include: Optical characterization of film layers from spectrophometric measurements, designs for lighting and display, low emissivity designs, anti-counterfeiting designs, designs for ophthalmic uses, and reverse engineering catalog coatings.
OPT 254-1
Svetlana Lukishova
TR 8:00AM - 9:30AM
This advanced, 4-credit-hour laboratory class (in person) for juniors and seniors (sophomores should contact the instructor for permission) consists of three laboratory modules accompanied by lecture materials: Module 1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM); Module 2. Atomic force microscopy; Module 3. Confocal fluorescence and optical microscopy. In addition to one 2 h lab per week, topics covered in two 1-1.5 h lab lectures per week include function and capabilities of the SEM and TEM, the principles of atomic force microscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy of single nanoemitters, optical microscopy including high-resolution optical microscopy, and discussion of advances of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The laboratory components will use the facilities of the University of Rochester Integrated Nanosystems Center and the Institute of Optics. Students are expected to have completed a sequence in introductory physics. Maximum 8 students can take this course. Grading will be based on three lab reports and three quizzes. The schedule of OPT 254/PHYS 371 will be selected before starting this class for the days and time convenient to every student. Please, contact Prof. Svetlana Lukishova (lukishov@optics.rochester.edu) for all questions. This is a required class for the University of Rochester undergraduate program on the Certificate for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. If you are interested in the Certificate program, please contact Prof. Lukishova.
OPT 261-2
Nick Vamivakas
R 3:25PM - 4:40PM
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography.
OPT 261-3
Nick Vamivakas
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography.
OPT 261-4
Nick Vamivakas
W 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography.
OPT 265-1
Xi-Cheng Zhang
F 10:00AM - 12:30PM
This course introduces fundamental knowledge of laser systems for students without advanced theoretical and experimental modern optics backgrounds. Topics include basic laser structure, laser operation, laser safety, and applications in a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and telecommunications. Students will learn laser system design of optical gain, laser resonators, Gaussian beams, cavity design, Q switching, and mode-locking. Different types of lasers (gas, liquid, solid, and fiber) will be briefly discussed. The class format includes weekly lectures and lab demonstrations (lecture - lab weight about 2:1 ratio). The labs are focused on HeNe laser, solid-state laser, and fiber laser. The course will offer tours of Topical Photonics and LLE lab. This laser course will provide students with more on laser design (such as laser cavity, alignment, modulation, polarization, etc.).
OPT 272-1
Michael Giacomelli
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
This course will review the engineering of optical system for biomedical microscopy by exploring widely used biomedical imaging systems such as confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and optical coherent tomography among others. These techniques will be introduced in the context of the imaging problems they solve with a goal of giving students a broad, undergraduate level understanding of the constraints and solutions to biomedical microscopy. The graduate version of this course will include additional assignments and be appropriate for graduate students starting out in biomedical optics. Prerequisites: OPT261 and BME270 or permission of instructor.
OPT 287-1
Miguel Alonso
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
Techniques used in mathematical study of optical phenomena. Emphasis on gaining insight and experience in the use of these powerful and elegant tools for describing, solving and resolving optical systems and schema.
OPT 287-2
Miguel Alonso
F 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Techniques used in mathematical study of optical phenomena. Emphasis on gaining insight and experience in the use of these powerful and elegant tools for describing, solving and resolving optical systems and schema.
OPT 307-1
Nicholas Bigelow
MW 2:00PM - 3:30PM
Overview of techniques for using the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and Scanning Probe (AFM, STM) and analyzing data. Students perform independent lab projects by semester's end. Students need the instructor's permission to take this course. E-mail Brian McIntyre at brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu.
OPT 311-1
Wayne Knox
MWF 11:50AM - 12:40PM
Documenting each stage,student teams design, build, and test an optical device or instrument for a faculty, community or industrial sponsor.
OPT 321-1
Wayne Knox
MWF 11:50AM - 12:40PM
With faculty supervision: reading, experimentation, and writing of final thesis and presentation of results. Students wishing to major in 'Optics' will register for this course.
OPT 391-01
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
OPT 395-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |
OPT 204-1
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
OPT 211-2
Gregory Savich
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs. |
OPT 223-3
Andrew Berger
Intro to quantum mechanics in the context of modern optics and optical technology. Wave mechanics as applied to electrons in crystals and in quantum wells and the optical properties of materials. Semiconductor junctions in photodetectors and photoemitters. You can do this my Optics superstars! |
OPT 204-5
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
Monday and Wednesday | |
OPT 247-1
Jennifer Kruschwitz
Advanced optical coating design techniques used for five different [virtual] deposition processes. Design topics include: Optical characterization of film layers from spectrophometric measurements, designs for lighting and display, low emissivity designs, anti-counterfeiting designs, designs for ophthalmic uses, and reverse engineering catalog coatings. |
OPT 222-1
Jennifer Kruschwitz
Color Technology is more than just pigments, dyes, paints, and textiles. Everywhere in modern technology (smart phones, tablets, displays, lighting, cinema, printers, etc.) is the need for a basic understanding of how we measure, identify, communicate, specify, and render color from one device to another. This course addresses color order systems, color spaces, color measurement, color difference, additive and subtractive color, and rendering of color images. The student will learn about color matching, lighting conditions, metamerism, and color constancy. At the semesters end, each student will have compiled a Color Toolbox with useful functions to derive different necessary color values within MatLab. Prerequisites: OPT 211 & 212 [MatLab], Linear Algebra |
OPT 261-3
Nick Vamivakas
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography. |
OPT 225-1
Jaime Cardenas
This course provides the basic concepts required for understanding radiometry and the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. The course is based around the design of an optical system that connects sources and detectors with radiometry |
OPT 307-1
Nicholas Bigelow
Overview of techniques for using the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and Scanning Probe (AFM, STM) and analyzing data. Students perform independent lab projects by semester's end. Students need the instructor's permission to take this course. E-mail Brian McIntyre at brian.mcintyre@rochester.edu. |
OPT 232-1
Victor Genberg
System performance of glass with metal or plastic, kinematic design, material limitations. Applications to optical metrology, alignment, geometry 2D and 3D. This course is an OPT elective. |
OPT 202-1
Melanie King
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis. |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | |
OPT 311-1
Wayne Knox
Documenting each stage,student teams design, build, and test an optical device or instrument for a faculty, community or industrial sponsor. |
OPT 321-1
Wayne Knox
With faculty supervision: reading, experimentation, and writing of final thesis and presentation of results. Students wishing to major in 'Optics' will register for this course. |
Tuesday | |
OPT 214-1
John Bowen
This course gives engineering undergraduates early exposure to the tools (e.g. Zemax/CODE V) needed for most summer internships while introducing methods for the design and analysis of an optical system. Topics covered will include specifying system requirements, layout, optimization, and evaluation. Examples covered will include standard imaging, afocal sytems, and illumination. A Windows laptop for in class use is required. Prerequisite: OPT 241 |
OPT 244-2
Julie Bentley
Throughout the entire semester heavy use of CODE V supporting the homework assignments will be required. The recitations will be used as training classes and tutorials in use of the design codes. Attendance is mandatory. |
OPT 204-6
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
Tuesday and Thursday | |
OPT 254-1
Svetlana Lukishova
This advanced, 4-credit-hour laboratory class (in person) for juniors and seniors (sophomores should contact the instructor for permission) consists of three laboratory modules accompanied by lecture materials: Module 1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM); Module 2. Atomic force microscopy; Module 3. Confocal fluorescence and optical microscopy. In addition to one 2 h lab per week, topics covered in two 1-1.5 h lab lectures per week include function and capabilities of the SEM and TEM, the principles of atomic force microscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy of single nanoemitters, optical microscopy including high-resolution optical microscopy, and discussion of advances of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The laboratory components will use the facilities of the University of Rochester Integrated Nanosystems Center and the Institute of Optics. Students are expected to have completed a sequence in introductory physics. Maximum 8 students can take this course. Grading will be based on three lab reports and three quizzes. The schedule of OPT 254/PHYS 371 will be selected before starting this class for the days and time convenient to every student. Please, contact Prof. Svetlana Lukishova (lukishov@optics.rochester.edu) for all questions. This is a required class for the University of Rochester undergraduate program on the Certificate for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. If you are interested in the Certificate program, please contact Prof. Lukishova. |
OPT 223-1
Andrew Berger
Intro to quantum mechanics in the context of modern optics and optical technology. Wave mechanics as applied to electrons in crystals and in quantum wells and the optical properties of materials. Semiconductor junctions in photodetectors and photoemitters. You can do this my Optics superstars! |
OPT 272-1
Michael Giacomelli
This course will review the engineering of optical system for biomedical microscopy by exploring widely used biomedical imaging systems such as confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and optical coherent tomography among others. These techniques will be introduced in the context of the imaging problems they solve with a goal of giving students a broad, undergraduate level understanding of the constraints and solutions to biomedical microscopy. The graduate version of this course will include additional assignments and be appropriate for graduate students starting out in biomedical optics. Prerequisites: OPT261 and BME270 or permission of instructor. |
OPT 287-1
Miguel Alonso
Techniques used in mathematical study of optical phenomena. Emphasis on gaining insight and experience in the use of these powerful and elegant tools for describing, solving and resolving optical systems and schema. |
OPT 202-2
Melanie King
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis. |
OPT 202-3
Melanie King
This lab complements OPT 261. Experiments cover interference and diffraction phenomena, introduction to optical information processing and electronic imaging systems with emphasis on error analysis. |
OPT 244-1
Julie Bentley
You will gain knowledge of classical as well as modern approaches to the science and art of contemporary lens design. Using state-of-the-art optical design software (both CODE V and Zemax) you will be prepared to design and analyze the next generation of optics, from cinema primes to bio-tech microscopes to wafer photolithographic fabrication and inspection tools. Grounding the design philosophy in third order aberration theory, we move on to achromatization, optical design forms for objectives, eyepieces, reflective, and illumination systems. Advanced surface types including aspheres, diffractives, and gradient index are covered. Optimization theory and methods to improve a design are fundamental, followed closely by tolerancing and compensation techniques for predicting as-built performance. The course concludes with an individual lens design project which will be pitched to a panel of experts |
Wednesday | |
OPT 211-3
Gregory Savich
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs. |
OPT 261-4
Nick Vamivakas
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography. |
OPT 204-4
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
OPT 232-2
Victor Genberg
System performance of glass with metal or plastic, kinematic design, material limitations. Applications to optical metrology, alignment, geometry 2D and 3D. This course is an OPT elective. |
Thursday | |
OPT 261-2
Nick Vamivakas
Complex representation of waves; scalar diffraction theory; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction and application to measurement; diffraction and image formation; optical transfer function; coherent optical systems, optical data processing, and holography. |
OPT 244-3
Julie Bentley
3rd order aberration theory, optimization theory, global optimization, variables and constraints of various lens materials and types. Course concludes with individual lens design projects. |
OPT 204-3
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
Friday | |
OPT 204-2
Svetlana Lukishova
This lab complements OPT 225 and provides the basic concepts required for understanding the operation of optical sources and photodetectors. It covers important sources such as lasers and light-emitting diodes as well several types of photodetectors. Prerequisites: OPT 203 or instructor permission |
OPT 211-4
Gregory Savich
Teaches techniques of transforming continuous problems to discrete mathematical models. Students learn computational methods for solving problems in optics using high level software. Includes labs. |
OPT 265-1
Xi-Cheng Zhang
This course introduces fundamental knowledge of laser systems for students without advanced theoretical and experimental modern optics backgrounds. Topics include basic laser structure, laser operation, laser safety, and applications in a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and telecommunications. Students will learn laser system design of optical gain, laser resonators, Gaussian beams, cavity design, Q switching, and mode-locking. Different types of lasers (gas, liquid, solid, and fiber) will be briefly discussed. The class format includes weekly lectures and lab demonstrations (lecture - lab weight about 2:1 ratio). The labs are focused on HeNe laser, solid-state laser, and fiber laser. The course will offer tours of Topical Photonics and LLE lab. This laser course will provide students with more on laser design (such as laser cavity, alignment, modulation, polarization, etc.). |
OPT 247-2
Jennifer Kruschwitz
Advanced optical coating design techniques used for five different [virtual] deposition processes. Design topics include: Optical characterization of film layers from spectrophometric measurements, designs for lighting and display, low emissivity designs, anti-counterfeiting designs, designs for ophthalmic uses, and reverse engineering catalog coatings. |
OPT 287-2
Miguel Alonso
Techniques used in mathematical study of optical phenomena. Emphasis on gaining insight and experience in the use of these powerful and elegant tools for describing, solving and resolving optical systems and schema. |
Saturday |